I'm no one special...........

  • 19th July 2016


    S was sick at 04.30 .....so no going home today . We are both disappointed. The Registrar said maybe tomorrow if S's temperature and blood pressure come down . Physio came to see S to make sure she could move in and out of bed and generally shuffle along . More time just talking about nothing really ...until S got the munchies and wanted a bag of Maltesers. She wolfed them down ..and they came back up again later that…

  • 18th July 2016


    Decided to book tonight off as annual leave and go and see S in hospital as a surprise for her. I arrived at 11.30 Very off her food . Very tired . A very warm day too . Luckily she is by a window. Most of the day , when she was awake , The registrar said that if she felt better tomorrow morning she could go home . We just chatted about nothing really ....just shooting the breeze with S snoozing every now and then. More…

  • Sunday 17th July 2016.

    Sunday 17th July 2016.
    S had another comfy overnight and might be moved to a general surgical ward later today . Her brother and his wife are due to visit her today after a 4 hour trip and then 4 hrs back to the South West. I received a call from the High Dep Unit at 15.30 to say that S was definitely moving today. I called later in the eve and was told that S had settled in but was not hungry this evening . I've…
  • Separation of support.


    I wish that there was an organization , TOTALLY SEPARATE from the current cancer organizations , that was JUST for family , friends and next of kin  of cancer patients .  Macmillan have done nothing for me . When my partner was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in hospital , all I got was a leaflet . So ........my partner and  I are in a hurricane and all I was given was an umbrella   !! She even told my partner to chase up the…

  • SATURDAY 16TH JULY 2016.


    Saturday 16th July , 2016.

    I woke and called the High Dep Unit to see that S had a comfy night again . I was informed that she had and that there were no problems . 
    I did more laundry and got things ready to go back to work tonight on a day where i couldn't get to the hospital to see S , but two friends were going to see her today and her brother tomorrow . I would now not see S until Tuesday due to my work...and a few…