1 minute read time.

Saturday 16th July , 2016.

I woke and called the High Dep Unit to see that S had a comfy night again . I was informed that she had and that there were no problems . 
I did more laundry and got things ready to go back to work tonight on a day where i couldn't get to the hospital to see S , but two friends were going to see her today and her brother tomorrow . I would now not see S until Tuesday due to my work...and a few different faces was better for S. 
All I wanted was two hours to myself.......just sitting down watching a film , not hearing the word ' cancer ' or seeing people with cancer.................AND FECK ME...............WITH ONLY 30 MINS OF THE FILM LEFT TO GO , CANCER RESEARCH UK ( c.r.u.k. ) HAD TO FECKING SHOW A TV AD THAT HAD CANCER SUFFERERS , KIMO PATIENTS AND FACTS AND FIGURES IN THE AD. 
All i wanted was just 2 hours away from it on a day I wasn't at the hospital and where S's cancer stage was now known to be Stage 1c................BUT I COULDN'T EVEN HAVE THAT . i BURST INTO TEARS AND JUST FELT LOST AGAIN . I showered and just got ready for work . Just one fecking film was all I wanted .
