First time I've done this

Less than one minute read time.

This is day one of this blog. I was never one to keep a diary and always took every day as it came. I was diagnosed last October 2014 with Ovarian cancer and like most people the bottom fell out of my world. I was a very healthy 46 year old with a full and active life. Hubby and I went through everything together hand in hand. Early July after major surgery and chemo, the letter came through for looks like nothing left and all traces have gone. Yippee said I now we can focus on getting back to work and living a normal life.

Needless to say that didn't happen and I'm on the emergency list for another major op and more chemo. Looks like the op should be done on Monday, just waiting for a confirmation call. Things will be a little different this time as Hubby and I will have a rough idea what is going to happen. Also this time we will have a little more support as I've found this site of you wonderful readers.

Thanks for reading


  • FormerMember

    Hi Kermy,

    Welcome to the Online community. I hope you'll find it a useful place to be whilst you are going through treatment and after.

    If you'd like to ask other members a question, you can do so in the Ovarian cancer forum (Group) group.

    Looking forward to reading more of your blog as time goes all.

    All the best,


    Macmillan Community Team

  • FormerMember

    Hello Kermy

    Lots and lots of good luck for your op, I will be crossing my fingers for you on Monday. I really hope it goes as well as it can.

    Love and best wishes,

    Rachel :)

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Jess and Rachel, last time I went through this Hubby and I were on our own. So many things were going on and we didn't know where to turn. Our friends and family were always asking how I was and if I needed anything and they forgot there was another person.

    I've become a night owl lately, waking up around 3 or 4am. It's hard on Hubby as he is a light sleeper and is constantly making sure I'm ok. I get up, make a brew and take him one up. sometimes I sit and drink it with him then come back down. Sometimes I leave it there and hope he goes back to sleep quickly. Lucky for us he is a man of leisure and full time house husband. He worked for many years for the government which has helped us in this time of my ill health.

    Hubby is an amazing man and I don't think the partner gets enough help or credit for everything they do. Only twice has he ever mentioned in passing that people seem to forget there are 2 people going through this. We come as a pair love or dislike us both as we are one. Many times he has done things that I've not noticed till much later - turning my phone to silent when I'm having a bad day, making sure I've got a fresh drink to hand. Washing and drying my favorite dressing gown in record time, tip toeing round the house when I nodd off.

    We are both very keen bikers and grumble lots if we don't manage to get out on the bikes at least once a week. People call us fair weather bikers in the biking community as we never ride in the rain. There is nothing worse than being on a bike in the wet with the rain coming down and the cars splashing dirty water all over you. My bike was put away last October and is still under covers. Blees him, hubby wouldn't go out on his as I couldn't go with him. My first op was done in May and they had to remove some of my stomach muscle with a tumour. This means I am unable to lift my bike off the stand ( we both have large cruisers - like a Harley but made by Honda) till I learn how to compensate for the missing bit. Hubby had started taking me out on the back of his for a few runs and I was able to cope ok as long as we didn't go too far. Joy and bliss, hook up the intercom and enjoy the freedom of a beautiful day. Unfortunatly with this second op it looks like the bikes will go back in the garage till next year again.

    Todays post is for all those forgotten partners and especially my soul mate and Hubby

    Thanks for reading


  • FormerMember


    Sorry to read that you are suffering from cancer and find yourself here. On the plus side this community is so supportive and ultimately we all know first hand what you might be going through and can commiserate or celebrate with you :)

    My husband too is now a stay at home daddy/husband and helps me enormously although I resent this sometimes being the homemaker ;)

    I am so glad that your husband is such a huge support for you, hopefully you will be able to dust off those covers before too much longer and enjoy the odd blast out. I recently bought a classic 2CV and given the lack of creature comforts in it I am not so keen on using in the cold but will eke out every opportunity to use it before I am unable to.

    Good luck to you for your continuing treatment and I hope the side effects are not too onerous?


  • FormerMember

    Well it's been just over a week since my last post. I've been in the hospital having a section of bowel and tumour removed. I semi woke up the day after the op but to be honest don't remember much about it apart from Hubby came and sat with me for a few hours. Next day was bit better and woke up to find tubes coming out of everywhere (or so it felt). The worst was the one going in from my nose in to my stomach, bowels weren't working yet so anything that went down had to come back via the tube. You usually only hear about the bad things that happen in hospitals but I've only got good to say. Those nurses work so hard and long shifts but are always kind and cheerful. Nothing is too much trouble. It took 4 days for the nose tube to come out so I could eat. What do they say - little and often - yep that is me and food tastes funny at the mo. Oh well easy does it.

    Spare a thought for all those nurses and doctors who are run off their feet and understaffed most of the time but always have a smile on their faces

    Thanks for reading
