Life can be like that

  • Goodbye


    Hello to all out there who talked to Kermy. This is the name my beautiful wife used fir her blogs. Unfortunately I have to tell you She did not make it and passed away on 6th June 2016. She will be missed by so many but not so much as myself her husband. She was the best wife, friend and best buddy all rolled into one.

  • First time I've done this


    This is day one of this blog. I was never one to keep a diary and always took every day as it came. I was diagnosed last October 2014 with Ovarian cancer and like most people the bottom fell out of my world. I was a very healthy 46 year old with a full and active life. Hubby and I went through everything together hand in hand. Early July after major surgery and chemo, the letter came through for looks like nothing left…