My Journey from blood test to present day

  • Phase 3: On to the treatment


    Between the MRI Full spinal check on the 3rd April, and my Pelvic scan on the 11th May, My Oncologist laid out my "Curative" (Love that term) pathway.

    I started on Bicalutamide 50mg tablets on the 8th April for 28 days, this medicine masks (hides) testosterone, so the PCa cant see it and prostate cancer cannot grow and spread without testosterone. The tablets were to prepare my body for Decapeptyl 11.25mg IM…

  • Phase 2: More diagnostic procedures


    So after my life shattering diagnosis of Gleason 4:5 T2c, what next?

    on 23rd March I went for a Full body Bone Scan. I arrived and was directed to the "Nuclear Medicine" department, worryingly down in the basement! I had a radioactive marker injected, that shows up cancer metastasis in the bones.

    26th March and in yet another machine for a Full body CT scan

    Both these scans were looking for metastasis in my…

  • Phase 1: Blood Test to the diagnosis


    Going to the doctors with a stiff neck on the 26th January 2018

    My wife nagged me to get a PSA test while I was there, as my 71 year old brother had been diagnosed with Gleason 3:3 PCa 14 months earler and had gone private to get Brachytherapy, as his Oncologist wanted him on "Active Watch".

    Well on 30th January the surgery phoned me to come in next day to see my GP, I already knew they didn't phone you to come…