Phase 2: More diagnostic procedures

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So after my life shattering diagnosis of Gleason 4:5 T2c, what next?

on 23rd March I went for a Full body Bone Scan. I arrived and was directed to the "Nuclear Medicine" department, worryingly down in the basement! I had a radioactive marker injected, that shows up cancer metastasis in the bones.

26th March and in yet another machine for a Full body CT scan

Both these scans were looking for metastasis in my whole body. I was glad to have them both done, showed my Oncologist was being thorough.

29th March I had Full review with Oncologist. She said they were concerned about a spot on my T11 vertebrae and an "area of concern" (lovely term) in my pelvis.

More scans coming!

3rd April a full spinal detailed MRI showed the spot on my T11 to be nothing to worry about. (big relief)

11th May I had a detailed MRI Pelvis and the area of concern turns out to be Pagets Disease, a bone growth abnormality. Nothing to worry about at all i was told.

OK, so i'm getting somewhere, I definitely have NO Metastasis and my PCa is confined within the Prostate. I'm feeling somewhat calmer all of a sudden! 
