Chemicals in our beauty/ bathroom products

  • Chemicals in our beauty/bathroom products


    I wish to share with you the continuation of my breast cancer journey with my focus on harmful chemicals. 

    I will be commencing my radiotherapy in just over a weeks time. Having already been advised  to use perfume free products during this treatment I am looking at my options. Aqueous cream which is highly reccomended contains sodium lauryl sulphate which can cause skin reaction. In continuing my research I have found…

  • Chemicals in beauty and bathroom products


    As part of this new journey in my life I have chosen to try and improve my health to the best of my ability. I look forward to life after  treatment and medication and therefore need to get my house in order. The first part of this is obviously diet but what else is going into my body? Having looked at my bathroom products 2 weeks ago I was dismayed and alarmed to discover how many potentially harmful ingredients are…