Rufforth's carer's journey

  • Alianation


    So, last weekened wifey started staying up all night and 're-organising' the bedroom.  But her mobility improved so I wasn't too concerned about the sudden desire to keep her handbag with her ALL THE TIME.  In fact, I went to cuddle her in bed, but couldn't becasue the handbag was in-between us.  I had to laugh.  I didn't laugh for long.  Wifey had convinced herself that I was 'interfering' with her medication…

  • The disengaged project


    The disengaged project

    Many years ago one of the directors at the place I was working decided to implement a new system.  As the ‘IT’ guy I project managed it.  From the moment I contacted the team that would have to use it, I knew we were in trouble.  This was going to be one of those ‘disengaged projects’.

    The director hadn’t won them over.  They had no idea why it was a great system, why it…

  • Script from a 2am conversation


    A conversation at 2am

    Wife: “Give me that.“ (holds up her hand, thumb and index finger spread indicating something about 4” in size)

    Hubby: “What’s ‘that’?”

    Wife: “That!“ (holds up hand again, shaking it at me)

    Hubby: “Give me a clue”

    Wife: [Annoyance in voice] “That!”

    Hubby: “Food?”

    Wife: “No.” (shakes head)

    Hubby: “Drink…

  • It's hard


    It’s hard.

    My wife was a successful health care professional, really busy, and yup, stressed.  After our niece’s wedding in early June she went to do some work on her laptop and found she couldn’t type.  She knew what she wanted to type, but couldn’t decipher which keys to press.

    This went on for a few days, started affecting her speech too.  She didn’t want to call in sick, she had a job to do!…