The disengaged project

1 minute read time.

The disengaged project

Many years ago one of the directors at the place I was working decided to implement a new system.  As the ‘IT’ guy I project managed it.  From the moment I contacted the team that would have to use it, I knew we were in trouble.  This was going to be one of those ‘disengaged projects’.

The director hadn’t won them over.  They had no idea why it was a great system, why it would be better for them to be using it.  No amount of explanation on my part seemed to sway them.  They weren’t on board.  They weren’t engaged.  I wondered what the hell I was doing - if the staff who were going to use it, didn’t want to, it would fail.  But I was convinced that it was a good system, a sound set of outputs, so I persevered.

This morning my wife went voluntarily to the shower for the first time in four weeks.  It felt good - and I realised that the last month had felt like a ‘disengaged project.  I’d been battling with a person who didn’t care about the outcome.  Couldn’t see the output (being clean and smelling nice) was worth the effort.  She thwarted my attempts at every step of the way.  Well, we’re back on track, Horrah!
