My Pain in the Arse - SCC Anal Cancer

3 minute read time.

In Feb 2018, I attended a consultation, thinking I had haemorrhoids, after a quick examination and sigmoidoscopy, I was advised that it wasn’t haemorrhoids but was a tumour. It was a massive shock, I couldn’t believe he’d just told me I had cancer!

The doctor had taken a biopsy during the sigmoidoscopy which would be sent for analysis and would help to confirm the type of cancer, he thought it was rectal but couldn’t rule out it being anal.
He advised that I would need some tests and scans in order to determine the type and stage of the cancer. 
I underwent a series of scans and tests within the following 2 weeks.
Colonoscopy- the day before was bowel prep day, this was far from pleasant but needs must!
On arrival, I met with the nurse who went through the paperwork and explained the procedure. I then changed into a gown and was taken though to the colonoscopy room, I was given a sedative through a canula in the back of my hand and was given oxygen through a nose piece. The procedure was fine, perhaps a little uncomfortable at moments but totally bareable. I found it fascinating to be watching the procedure on the screen and being told “there’s your appendix!” How many people get to see their own appendix? Following the procedure, I was moved to recovery where I was able to rest until I felt ready to get up and dressed.
Then I was taken to the sitting room for a
much needed cuppa and pack of biscuits.

CT scan- on arrival at the department, I was given a jug of water and told to drink this within the next hour. 
Then into the Scanner room. I had ensured that my clothing did not have any metal and had left all of my jewellery at home. I laid on the scanner bed, they needed to inject a dye halfway through the scan, so I was attached to a mechanical driver to the vein in my arm. 
The scan began, the bed moved and there was a whirring noise but all fine, halfway through they told me that I would now feel the dye being injected, I felt the warmth in my arm and it travelling through my body, I developed a strange taste at the back of my mouth and had a warm feeling that felt like i’d wet myself. This feeling didn’t last long and it was expected as they had advised me of the feeling before the scan began.
I admit that I felt a bit emotional afterwards as it was the realisation that this would be showing the cancer in my body.

MRI- on arrival at the department, I met the radiographer and completed the paperwork, then I changed into a gown and was taken through to the scanner. As mine was a pelvic/bowel MRI I had an injection to relax the bowel in order for the bowel to be as still as possible. 
They placed a board onto my pelvic area and strapped me snuggly with velcro straps, then the bed moved into position within the scanner. I was given headphones so I could listen to music during the scan and it helps to drown out the noise (it is very loud and sounded like I was on a building site)  I had a pump in one hand that I could squeeze if I wanted to alert the radiographers if I needed to get their attention.
The radiographer spoke to me regularly during the scan, she told me how long the next scan would be and how I was doing well and asked if I was ok. The whole process was fine, it’s just important to lie as still as possible. 
I was in there for about an hour, once it was over, I could get changed and go home to get on with my usual plans.

Just had to wait for all of the results now....

  • FormerMember

    Saturday 14th April 2018

    Yesterday was treatment number 14 so officially half way through treatment. Yay!

    How do I feel? Honestly? I feel really tired and have very little energy. Fortunately for me,

    whilst I was at radio yesterday, the kids whizzed round and hoovered, cleaned and tidied! Was sooo happy to come home to a lovely clean house.

    I am also very lucky in that my mum, who’s wanted to help in practical ways, has provided the family with meals all week! We love her cooking, we’ve had meatball melt and pasta, mild chicken curry and rice, gammon with potato dauphinois, cottage pie and last night lasagne! All absolutely delicious and such a fantastic help as I have 4 kids to feed and my apppintments are at 5.45 everyday, sometimes with delays and travel time, we’ve not gotten home until gone 7pm (8pm on Thursday gone!) so having these meals prepared have meant the kids can get theirs when they’re ready.

    As for radiotherapy side effects, I have a sore (and itchy) ‘bum hole’ and my lady bits are feeling tender too. I’m going to the toilet often and pretty much every time I sit on the toilet my bowels think they need to open. I no longer ‘nip’ to the loo, it’s usually a good 15 mins and more, what with the waiting for my body to realise i’m done and then the bidet wash, dry and cream application. But it’s bareable, I’m taking piriton to help with the itchiness and paracetamol for the discomfort.

    Anyway, it’s the weekend,

    No hospital visits! Yay

    Enjoy everyone xx

  • FormerMember

    Sunday 22nd April 2018.

    Currently had 19 radio and one week chemo.

    Well I’m one week further on now and very little to report.

    Maybe I am lucky but so far, I have no broken skin.

    I wonder if this is down to the fact that I began using the bidet early on and once washed and dried, I applied the cream. This could have been up 8 times a day so my skin was constantly bathed and moisturised.

    I do have discomfort and itchiness, I’ve not gotten off totally pain free. It does hurt to go to the toilet and the itchiness has driven me crazy! I take 2 different antihistamines a day,

    One in the morning and one in the evening.

    I’ve also had some bleeding, at first I thought it was in my urine but then realised it was vaginal, but not like a period.

    I also have urgency for the toilet, some very close shaves at times.... hence I’ve not really ventured out, happy to be home near my toilet, although I have put a bag in the car with wipes and a change of clothes, just in case!

    This week I had a bit of an upset as I received a letter from work regards my OSP, my full money has stopped and I will only receive half pay for a further 2 months! This only gives me a month after treatment before pay stops altogether. I know there is SSP. Family have been great saying to concentrate on getting well and not stress over money, we’ll manage! Just have to cut back. On advice of others, I will ask Macmillan for advice about anything I may be entitled too.

    Anyway, I’m chilling out today in readiness for chemo week as of tomorrow, not looking forward to it. But getting nearer and nearer to the end of treatment by the minute.

    Take care

    Lisa xx

  • FormerMember

    Chemo Week 2

    Well I’ve survived my second chemo week.

    I don’t think I felt as nauseous as last time round.

    Monday I had the bottle attached and was fine.

    Tuesday through to Thursday, I was doing ok, mouth felt a bit furry, I felt a bit off at times but generally not too bad.

    Friday, I developed diarrhoea and felt washed out and fed up. Had gone for a shower and afterwards just sat on the bed and cried!

    Went to the hospital for my bottle disconnect and my 24th radiotherapy, was nice as my mum and father in law turned up to keep me and my hubby company, it was a long wait in between both appointments.

    Saturday, again the runs!

    Early on in the week my skin had started to break and this had continued through the week so by now I had some patches of raw skin, around my bum and up either side of my groin. So yet another tearful morning, ended up staying in bed all day with the tv on and my nether regions open to the air!

    Sunday, another quiet, tv day, bad diarrhoea still and yet hardly eaten since Thursday.

    Also developed a sore mouth, the roof of my mouth towards the back so actually making me feel I had a sore throat, sore to swallow. Thought it was most likely to be thrush again.

    Monday, felt pretty rotten, still got the runs but a bit worried to take anything as don’t want to end up constipated! Feeling off, tired, uncomfortable, had woken at 4 with a rush to the loo and then had really bad tummy cramps, hubby made me a hot water bottle and this did the trick, soothed my tummy so that I could get back to sleep.

    I rang my key worker and told her I’d had a bad weekend both physically and emotionally and she said she’d see me this afternoon before my treatment.

    Met up with my key worker, she confirmed I had thrush in my mouth and that I could collect a prescription the next day.

    She knew my skin was now sore and broken in places so she gave me some ‘Polymen’ dressing.

    She advised me to take one Imodium tablet to relieve the diarrhoea.

    She also advised to take paracetamol and Ibuprofen alternatively for any pain.

    Off then for radio number 25! Yay

  • FormerMember

    Tuesday of week 6

    So last night I used the polymen dressing and it has helped.

    It’s a bit fiddly as I had to cut pieces to cover the sore skin, it’s non adhesive and cannot be taped so it was a case of folding one piece and placing it between my butt cheeks and then using my knickers to hold the 2 pieces for my groin. There is probably a better way of doing it and so if I find one, i’ll let you know.

    I took one Imodium last night and so far so good... touch wood, no diarrhoea.

    My mouth is still sore but will be able to collect my prescription later on so hopefully that’ll sort that out. although last time, it was only really better after the course of tablets were finished!

    So it’s radio number 26 today, 2 more days to go.

  • FormerMember

    Vaginal Dilator

    Last week in my weekly meeting with my nurse specialist she talked me though the need for vaginal dilators.

    Basically the radiotherapy can cause the vagina to shrink and tighten. So for 5 minutes, 3 times a week for the next 3 years I will need to use the dilators. (Otherwise my lady bits may close up..... permanently)

    She showed me a set, and they were like a set of Ann Summers Russian dolls, with one larger one holding a range of 3 smaller ones. 2 can be screwed together to form a dilator and handle.

    She advised that once I am healed and comfortable again after treatment, to begin by using the smallest one, once that one feels comfortably move to the next size up and so on.

    Sizes 1 and 2 are for general feminine needs, but sizes 3 and 4 are the sizes needed if you intend to have a ‘comfortable’ sexual relationship, although apparently few women gets to size 4!

    I’ll get my set this week... must make sure I take my bag in, don’t fancy carrying that through the busy waiting room. Lol