For my sister

  • My sister



    This is my first post i dnt knw why i am typing this at half past 3 in the morning but maybe it will help me. My sister goes in tomorrow at 7am for a 2nd operation on her nose for skin cancer we dont know how far it has spread they wont tell us but we know the first operation didnt get it all and now we are all scared could it have spread further. This all because of yes dreaded sunbeds! My sister is 36 years of…

  • My first post



    This is my first post i dnt knw why i am typing this at half past 3 in the morning but maybe it will help me. My sister goes in tomorrow at 7am for a 2nd operation on her nose for skin cancer we dont know how far it has spread they wont tell us but we know the first operation didnt get it all and now we are all scared could it have spread further. This all because of yes dreaded sunbeds! My sister is 36 years of…