My sister

3 minute read time.


This is my first post i dnt knw why i am typing this at half past 3 in the morning but maybe it will help me. My sister goes in tomorrow at 7am for a 2nd operation on her nose for skin cancer we dont know how far it has spread they wont tell us but we know the first operation didnt get it all and now we are all scared could it have spread further. This all because of yes dreaded sunbeds! My sister is 36 years of age has a wonderful son of 14 and and a loving caring fianace and she is my idol my hero my best friend and i am so upset at the thought she has to go through all this. It all started with a small bump on her nose that kept bleeding and going away thinking it was a spot until her gp noticed it and sent her off for a biopsy asap.well that biopsy turned out to be skin cancer but they couldnt tell how deep it went and if they got it all so now she has to go for another operation tomorrow to hopefully remove all the cancer and have a skin graft to rebuild her nose. All this because of vanity because she had to use sunbeds and had the mentality well i dont smoke or drink!. Cancer doesnt pick and choose its a horrible nasty desiease that needs to be beaten once and for all!!! My auntie has survived breast cancer and i have sadly lost 2 grandparents and 1 greatgrand parent to cancer im not going to let it get my family again!. Myself have had cin 3 pre cancerous cells and now am also looking at gettin myself checked out for a mole on by back i have ignored for a long time due to  ignorance and naivety that everything is ok and i havent the time. Well im telling u something cancer you are not taking my sister my best friend my hero and you are certiantly not getting me. Fingers crossed and prayers my sisters op goes well tomorrow and praying she gets the all clear.xxxxx cancer is evil its nasty but when it comes against a united strong front it will be beaten!!!! Love and prayers to everyone on this blog and keep fighting stand up to cancer it will not win and it will never beat us!!!xxxxxx i dont mean this post to sound to self involved aswell i apologise i am angry and venting because i cant help my sister and take her worry and pain away. I dont want people to think oh its just her nose she will be ok its  not aboiut that its the fact shes scared it has spread and she has a 14 year old son who doesnt know the extent of what is happening to his mum in order to protect him x everyone deals with bad news thier own way me its to try and talk to people get things of my chest but the people i usually talk to are my sister who is going through this ordeal so i cannot bombard her with this. Cancer is evil i just wish it would go away once and for all. I just hate this horrible disease it took away from me my grandparents who i love it hurt me with my auntie but she fought back but now its coming back round 4 harder and more close to the heart with my sister my sister is like my mum she has been there for me more than my own mother which is bad to say but its the truth. I suffer anorexia nervosa and if it werent for my big sis i would be ill say it dead by now she got me from the brink and whats her reward!!! and now im angry at why someone who helped me and cared for me now has to have this horrible disease! Its not fair! Its not fair at all! It should be me takin this pain not her all she did was care and love for her sisters and now its like she is being punished for it!!! I hate u cancer i hate u so much!!!!!!

  • FormerMember

    Yes a dreadful disease. No rhyme or reason. I have lung cancer which is non operable and I feel for my family . Your sister sounds amazing and a strong willed lady . Loving thoughts and best wishes to you all.