My name is Paul, and I had Testicular Cancer.

  • It’s gone, again!!!


    Morning all!

    Just thought I’d pop a post on to share the news I got on Monday of this week which will hopefully give some people who are in a dark place or feel down, some positivity and light.

    I was originally diagnosed with TC on 26th October 2016, which was at Stage 1.  After an orchidectomy and one shot of Carboplatin I entered remission.

    My annual CT scan in December showed mets to my lymph nodes…

  • Guess who's back, back again...


    ...well, Happy New Year!

    I had a great Christmas, and the wonderful trip to New York and Washington D.C. that my wife got me when I was diagnosed as something to look forward to was AMAZING.  That is, until the very last day, when my phone rang at 07:30 local time and my oncologists secretary asked me if I could go in, that day.

    We agreed I would call on my return to the UK, I was flying home that night…

  • My story so far...


    My name is Paul, and on Friday October 28th 2016 I was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer.

    The Sunday before, I noticed my left testicle was enlarged.  Instead of going away to work on the Monday, I stayed at home and got an appointment with my GP.  “If I were a betting man, I’d say it isn’t, but lets two week referral and get it checked”. Come Thursday that, I was visiting Urology at the hospital.”If I were a betting…