The Good, The Bad and the Ugly...........

  • Constipated Chicken Walk...

    I came up with the Constipated Chicken Walk when I was on the Tax part of Chemo, when my legs were so stiff and painful that I couldn't walk properly. Little did I know that it was something that was going to plague me for...........well I suppose now it's for the rest of my life!!! Seriously what did I do to deserve this! Losing the ability to get up in the morning and just walk to the bathroom, without moaning and groaning…

  • Will this really help?

    Well today I do something I haven't done own blog! Hmmmmm will I have enough to say? Will any of it make sense? Will it help me? Well I suppose it doesn't matter this is just a space for me to talk to myself to share how I really feel without having to worry about upsetting anyone else.

    Its been 2 years since my bone mets were found, 2 years! Where the heck did that time go! Well I had half my…