Suspected Breast Cancer

  • Another Milestone, or should I say millstone!

    Oh well, I am now at the end of my first week of radiotherapy. I am not sleeping well at all, but that started a night or two before the rads so can’t be blamed! I feel tired, but I think even that is more of an emotional response to getting back onto the cancer train again. I dragged myself through chemo, then had my surgery at the end of January, which went really well. I got the path report, saying the cancer was all…

  • Pre Radiotherapy

    Another few weeks has flown by! I am ‘sort of’ back at work! I love my job and as I work from home, it is a very easy transistion to make. I feel extremely well, both physically and mentally and have good energy levels again. I started my Herceptin injections last week, but was fine, aside from being sick just afterwards, then again a few days in. My Magnesium levels have finally settled down and I can now take sachets…