Pre Radiotherapy

1 minute read time.

Another few weeks has flown by! I am ‘sort of’ back at work! I love my job and as I work from home, it is a very easy transistion to make. I feel extremely well, both physically and mentally and have good energy levels again. I started my Herceptin injections last week, but was fine, aside from being sick just afterwards, then again a few days in. My Magnesium levels have finally settled down and I can now take sachets as opposed to infusions. I start radiotherapy on Tuesday, for 15 sessions and am convinced it will have no effect on me, lol. We will have to see! My surgery site healed amazingly and is so neat. The surgeon has said they may do the diep much sooner now, as they have not had to fill the expander at all to stretch the skin, (I want to go smaller). I love the new size and they will match up my other side. Not too keen on the tummy surgery, but they are very insistent that it is the best option. There’s not much else to say now. Everyone said I would find a new normal and they were partly right; I think this is much closer to ‘back to normal’ than even a new normal. Life has returned, problems are maybe more in perspective now and my tolerance and understanding levels have altered, but life feels much the same again. It seems strange that death came to visit; I’m just glad that we shut the door on his face!

  • FormerMember

    Dear JoDec

    I hope the radiotherapy goes well after everything else you have been through. I just got a bit tired but I think that was the travelling on the underground and by bus (I live in London).

    Good Luck

    Wendy W

  • Jo

    Think you slammed that door with gusto on the grim reaper

    Keep posting and blogging. So many people will gain strength from your experiences

    Leolady56 aka Lindsay

  • Hi Jo

    I found radiotherapy a walk in the park compared to chemo.

    My rads were done in Cheltenham and I used to walk round the shops after treatment.

    The oncologist arranged hospital transport for me as although it was quite close to home the car park situation wasn't very good.

    All the best

    Sue xx