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I don't think I will have chemo. It doesn't work if you have 'squamous differentiation' so seems pointless, especially as the bladder is coming out. Surely it would weaken me before the op? I don't like the fact that the bag goes on your stomach. I was ok with the idea when I thought it would be on my leg. I guess I will need all new clothes to accommodate it. How will I afford it. And the bag looked smaller than the one I had on my leg. I could have a neobladder but it takes a long time before it works and I hate the idea of self-catheterising or being incontinent for months. I just don't know what would be best.

  • I can relate to how you feel, I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer last year and decided against chemotherapy and radiotherapy prior to major surgery, (9hours). Maybe I was wrong but only time will tell, and even then maybe not. As it was my understanding, the idea of chemotherapy is they hope that the toxins will kill more cancer cells than healthy cells, but no guarantees. As the idea is that it would shrink the tumour but they would still remove the same amount of oesophagus I didn't see the point. When I asked the oncologist how much It will shrink he said " not that much". However I would advise you to do your own research and decide what's best for you. Good luck and kind regards Frank.

  • FormerMember


    I feel for you having to make this difficult decision, I myself made the decision not to have chemo/radio, in May 2016, as again they said it might shrink a little more the tumour in my liver, but before they started my chemo they gave me a scan which showed cancer had spread throughout my liver, so prognosis was poor and 6 months of chemo with a poor chance of working decided against treatment. I now just take morphine to control pain, and do get out and about so living for present day. I do hope you come to a decision as when you have taken control of what you want to happen you will feel better,neither decision is great but i wish you luck and do whats best for you.

    Love and Light Patricia

  • FormerMember

    Thanks guys. My bladder cancer is very aggressive but has not spread outside of the bladder. I'm having the bladder out so I can't see the point of chemotherapy. That is pretty much my decision unless they convince me otherwise.

  • FormerMember

    My husband found out he had bowel cancer that had invaded his bladder last November. He had chemotherapy from January to March (when we got married) and then developed a blood clot on his lung so they couldn't do any more. He's had surgery (on 2nd.june) to remove his bladder and the majority of his bowel so he has 2 stomas. The surgery went well, all the tumour removed (apparently). He's struggling with the stomas, he hates the idea of the bags of waste outside his body and is taking a lot of reassurance (I'm a nurse so I'm not worried about them at all and so grateful to the surgeons and oncologists for the life he's been given)

    Yout have to make a decision you are comfortable with and to me you appear to be a positive person who considers all options. I reckon you'll be fine!