The Butterfly Who Flapped Too Hard

  • Snugglebug, Ladybug, and Stinkbug

    I thought I'd introduce you to the things that keep me company, drive me mad, make me laugh, make me angry, make me coo, and make me shout - as well as so much more. My cats!

    I've always loved cats above other animals, and as a student, I adopted one from a friend when she had to move abroad. He was with me for years until he finally passed at the ripe old age of 18 ish. I then needed a break, to grieve and reconcile…

  • Hormones - Are you kidding me?!

    So, on top of all the cancer stuff that's goingon - I also have PCOS, which is short for poly-cystic ovary syndrome. This is a condition that affects more women than they know it does, because often the symptoms aren't things that would normally get checked out. Instead, they are put down as just 'period issues'. Sorry gents, it's one of those sorts of posts! So a lot of women have it, and don't realise they have it …

  • 4 years and counting

    So first off, there's not really going to be any order to these blog posts, they're just going to be whatever pops into my head and I feel like writing. So don't expect a timeline at first. lol. That said, this post is a rundown of everything from start to, all the treatments and struggles etc put down in one place.

    2012, July ish, and I'd overcooked the chicken. Didn't matter, it was still tasty…

  • I'm in the club!

    (This one was written back in Jan/Feb 2013, but I had nowhere to post it)

    It's official! I've passed all the tests and background checks, and I've been allowed into one of the most exclusive clubs in the world. To get in, the tests were really invasive and intrusive, and for a while it looked like I wasn't going to get in. But then, after one last check that was the most probative yet and which I had to fight hard for…