tuesday 1 march

1 minute read time.

morning everyone. it's the 1st of March and the sun is shining in bonnie dundee although it is frosty.

I had my first setback yesterday evening as i was sick for the first time. I'm not sure if its due to the yeuchy mouth or i think i may be drinking too much tea and water. That's another thing i'm puzzled about - I am a tea jenny and can drink it all day but i want to drink something else but can't seem to find anything. I absolutely adore diet irn bru but the thought of it makes me "boak" is it maybe because its fizzy?? Does anyone have a favourite drink now??

I have a 5 year old cockatiel called Missy who is my wee mate. she doesn't speak but whistles away and has a fettish for my feet!! she will sit on the end of my foot and sing "oh when the saints go marching in " to them!!!  She gets out her cage all the time but is worse than a dog - she has eaten my wallpaper, blinds, walls (yes walls - i had to get a bit plastered!!) my sideboard and has eaten thru umpteen wires for lights etc. she loves icecream, beans and curry - in fact she'll eat anything lol but i wouldn't change her for the world. i'm not letting her out as much for the cleanliness issue and now wear gloves and have wipes to clean up as soon as i find her "business"

anyway meeting my friends heather and danette in town today to get a birthday present for a wee pal who's 10 today so we may even have time for a spot of lunch too - if i can keep it down. I've been given domperidone for the sickness and hadn't been taking them cos i felt ok but have decided to just take them now anyway - do you think that's the way to go?

I'll go now but update you later. Hope eveyone has a painfree day

Love and Peace





  • FormerMember

    Hi tracey from sunny Fife!

    My mum is the one suffering from cancer and decided not to take the domperidone until she was sick! She soon started taking it and the sickness was held at bay. As your Irn Bru giving you the boach that made me laugh! but my mum had the same problem and she tried many drinks and finally settled on Fanta lemon?

    Hope you enjoyed your day out.

    Anne x