Thymoma anyone ?

  • One year post-cisplatin


    Been just over a year since I kicked the cisplatin habit. Can honestly say that not one part of me got on with it in any way - but it can sure kick some serious cancer butt. 

    Towards the back end of last year I was able to be objective about things - all I can say now is let that WMD do it's thing. There are no guarentees - and as it never signed the Geneva Convention be prepared for some collateral damage - however…

  • Slowly back to the daily grind


    Spent two days in work this week, and will very gradually ramp things up over the next couple of months. Only catch is I keep thinking I can do more than I actually can ...

    I find that I am getting a little breathless again because I am scared to breathe deeply in case it hurts (it used to - not any more though thanks (?!) to 6 litres of cisplatin). Have been advised to take up Yoga to try and fix this - I must have been…

  • Who said food and chemo doesn't mix ?


    I always new that only being able to enjoy Indian food during my chemo sessions was actually a good thing ... !



  • A good day


    Have to be honest - every day is good since perhaps beginning of March. Last year was horrible - walking 10 paces left me struggling for breath - then I was diagnosed which was even worse. And then ... the treatment started.

    • When the chemo began to "kick in" and it's effects began to eclipse those of my thymoma (ok - the "unexpected" emergency admission to Papworth in Feb may have done something…