Thymoma anyone ?

  • Thymoma bashing


    Found out this AM at my Addenbrokes appointment that the octreotide jabs I have been on for the last 3 months have been working as planned! Last few weeks have been a little scary as this was Plan B .... however apart from a little more localised pain my thymoma has taken the hint and is on it's way back to where it was end of last year. My fight is now a war of attrition - octreotide is more of a stealth weapon than…

  • Round 3


    3rd dose of octreotide today. Last 8 weeks have shot by. CT scan in a couple of weeks to see how it is working. It has certainly done something .... even if only to extend the hand of hope. Whilst I accept my lot as a 1 in 3 with some (twisted) amusement (ok, thymoma is not so much of a rib-tickler any more but I'm sure there is some new material out there ...!), there is no way I could handle things without those life…

  • Round 2.2


    Had my second octreotide jab recently. Side effects? What side effects! If a drug does not qualify you for a Kojak re-make audition then it really is not trying hard enough .... Reality check is that it was designed for ailments way worse than mine and I am just fortunate that it causes significant "collateral damage" to thymoma. Been some time since I was in treatment the first time, and it is humbling. …

  • Round 2


    Been a good 12 months or so. Celebrated my first year of being back full time at work - after being out for all of '09 - last week. Been charging around flat out and am loving it.

    Had to request to pull ahead my latest check up at Papworth due to some nagging discomfort over Christmas though ... and suffice to say the lurgy is no longer lurking in the shadows. Not the main nasty this time - but his little friend is…

  • Out patients time again


    At Papworth yesterday late PM. I was the one trying to forget where I was taping away on an iPad in case anyone reading this was there also .... Two years to the day when I first collapsed, one year since I started back at work part time, and now nine months since I returned full time. Appointment was good, and the world is good. Thymoma still there but slowed right down. It'll be back with a vengeance some time but…