Slowly back to the daily grind

Less than one minute read time.

Spent two days in work this week, and will very gradually ramp things up over the next couple of months. Only catch is I keep thinking I can do more than I actually can ...

I find that I am getting a little breathless again because I am scared to breathe deeply in case it hurts (it used to - not any more though thanks (?!) to 6 litres of cisplatin). Have been advised to take up Yoga to try and fix this - I must have been carrying the condition around for many years as taking shallow breaths has become the norm for me. But this is a minor irritation ...

Sad to see the site can be abused - there are ways of locking it down (e.g. restricting access to those who have been "screened" by Macmillan, etc..) although could be seen as too draconian (?).  

All the best to all.









  • Hi Richard,

    Good to take things slowly - so many patients (me included) want to prove they can run before they can walk.

    On the subject of screening - I belong to another cancer site where they screen new members responses for the first three replies to subjects. Once they decide you are not a nutter they let you into the site. They still monitor forums and are very strict about posting any web addresses, even relevant ones. Perhaps Mac should learn something from Breast Cancer Care?

    Best wishes,
