A good day

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Have to be honest - every day is good since perhaps beginning of March. Last year was horrible - walking 10 paces left me struggling for breath - then I was diagnosed which was even worse. And then ... the treatment started.

  • When the chemo began to "kick in" and it's effects began to eclipse those of my thymoma (ok - the "unexpected" emergency admission to Papworth in Feb may have done something to help also ....) the world began to look good !
  • When the chemo wore off and all I am left with is a cough due to slight pressure on my left lung from the "nasty" that is still there I was happy...
  • When I realised I could rush for a tube train I never thought I could be so happy (ok, that is also a bit sad !)
  • When I look back and see the last year has been but a blurr ....

Then today I met with my company's occupational health rep. and have worked out a back-to-work plan. Suddenly I realised how lucky I am in many so many ways. 

I only hope that I can help as much as I have been helped.


  • FormerMember

    I was diagnosed last year in March, I cancelled 2008, horrible year. ai went back to work last friday. Yes you can help by telling you story and how you have survived. Some of us are lucky Richard, I just wish we all were..........love Carol x