This Journey

  • Guess which country has the highest Quality of Death Index?


    The Toronto Star, August 14, 2010 has published a report comparing 40 different countries in terms of their quality of death. The Quality of Death Index assesses 27 individual measurements from four categories of end-of-life care: Basic healthcare environment; availability of care; cost of care; and quality of care. 

    1. U.K.   with an overall score of 7.9   (Index scores are rounded to one decimal place. for this reason…

  • Latest: April 28th Update - Hubby says:


    Here's what Hubby says - and I quote:

    Hi folks….
    Just to keep everyone in the loop!!!
    I had a scan 1 ½ weeks ago and saw my oncologist yesterday….
    And now for the news…….
    There are no more new tumours, the 23 old tumours are growing slightly still – by about 2mm (it was 3mm last time) – I’m not sure if there growing by percentage – which would mean 20% or by 2mm each……

  • Hubby Says: (Update)


     Hubby Wrote:

    It seems like there are no more new tumours, everything outside the lungs is still OK, but the old ones are still growing. (Over 23 small mets in the lungs). The biggest one is 1 inch now. They are only growing slowly though and so far not blocking any airways or pressing on any blood vessels and so the Oncologist thinks that we’ll just keep doing what we’re doing now which, for him means keeping an eye…

  • Hubby Wrote:


     Hubby Wrote:

    For the first time in 5 CT scans, there are no more NEW tumours in my lungs. Only some of the 20-odd tumours grew slightly (3mm) - everythings else is OK - YAY for Tibetan Medicine!!!

    Me again -

    (The largest one is 2.5 cm)

    He's a "glass is half-full kind of guy!!!