This Journey

  • March 2011 Update


    Yesterday's Oncology appointment to discuss results of CT scan taken 4 weeks ago went as follows:

    The 25 metastasized tumours in Hubby's lungs are growing, and are now infecting several lymph nodes. Everything looks "a bit" more aggressive than before.

    Hubby STILL has to decide if he's ready to start Palliative Chemo. He's been taking Tibetan medicine for the past 2 years, which had slowed the growth…

  • Never check your telephone messages while on vacation!!!


    We went to San Francisco. I checked my home phone messages as soon as we arrived in SF. It seems that the doctor (specialist) who had given me a stomach scope in January, wanted to see me for a consultation, the phone message said. When I reached his secretary, after a couple of days trying, I asked her why the doctor wanted to see me, as he had told me after the scope, that I was fine. She said that he may want to discuss…

  • Message From Alan Gerrard


    Hi Mo well looks like its back but kne it would be some day oh well got to beat it again now eh! having hick man line in monday and start chemo tuesday two lots to get me in remission again and then down for stem cell transplant . of course there is a slim chance they won't get me back in renmission then it will be palitive care but not looking down that road keep poss eh! i am standing in corridoor at hosp at moment…


    Hubby wrote: "CT scan results - the majority of my 25 metastisized lung tumours have grown only slightly, they're not interfering with other tissue, and I'm feeling good, no signs of it causing extreme fatique, coughing, or weight loss - so things are good and we'll wait and see what happens in another 3 months - Yay!"
    I Added:
    There is new 13 mm subcarinal lymph node showing mild lymphadenopathy…


    Hubby's cancer continues to grow and spread. The speed of growth seems to be picking up momentum. The Oncologist will requisition another CT scan at the end of November, and then he wants Hubby to start Chemo in December. Hubby is still reluctant - and who can blame him, eh? Meanwhile, the Doctor of Tibetan Medicine has changed his meds, so he too must have detected something. So we continue to wait and see.

    I haven…