Guess which country has the highest Quality of Death Index?

Less than one minute read time.

The Toronto Star, August 14, 2010 has published a report comparing 40 different countries in terms of their quality of death. The Quality of Death Index assesses 27 individual measurements from four categories of end-of-life care: Basic healthcare environment; availability of care; cost of care; and quality of care. 

1. U.K.   with an overall score of 7.9   (Index scores are rounded to one decimal place. for this reason, countries which appear to have the same score may nonetheless have different rankings.)

2. Australia ....................7.9

3. New Zealand .............7.7

4. Ireland ....................6.8

5. Belgium .................6.8

6. Austria ...................6.6

7. Netherlands ..........6.3

8. Germany ............6.2

9. Canada AND the U.S. Tied ...............6.2

11. Hungary .............6.1

12. France ............6.1

The list continues all the way down to # 40 ..... India ..... at 1.9


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The Article is titled: How to Live Like You're Dying.

An interesting read! 

Mo   xxxxxxxx
