The pokemon

  • Scans


    Friday was my morning of being scanned.

    I had to be at Addenbrookes for 8:30 so I could drink a pint or so of contrast medium slowly over the hour before my scan. Contrast medium tastes a bit like aniseed. I had mine with blackcurrant cordial so it wasn't taste too bad. The spending an hour sipping a drink passed a lot quicker than you'd think thanks to the wonders of the i-pod and the BBC Radio 4 "Comedy…

  • Reviewed


    Today was spent trekking to London for a follow-up appointment with the consultant. Overall it was pretty positive, but it's still one hell of a downer.    It's a long old trek, basically my whole day gets eaten up for a 5 minute chat with a doctor. Not to mention the expense of fuel and tube travel etc - but it's unavoidable with sarcoma as there are only a few specialist centres in the UK and RNOH is…

  • And now we wait


    My older blog posts seem to have vanished in the changes, oh well.

    I'm now in the 'watch and wait' stage of my journey.  The treatment has finished but I have the routine of scans and follow up every three months for the next however long so it's not really over yet.

    It's kind of hard.  I don't want to obsess over having cancer and I can see people's eye glazing over if I mention it, but it's still…