
2 minute read time.

Friday was my morning of being scanned.

I had to be at Addenbrookes for 8:30 so I could drink a pint or so of contrast medium slowly over the hour before my scan. Contrast medium tastes a bit like aniseed. I had mine with blackcurrant cordial so it wasn't taste too bad. The spending an hour sipping a drink passed a lot quicker than you'd think thanks to the wonders of the i-pod and the BBC Radio 4 "Comedy of the Week" podcast.

The scan itself wasn't too bad. The machine is fairly quiet and I just had to lie on my back which is a lot more comfortable than some positions. The bit I didn't like was the injection of a different contrast medium. Wow does that burn. It felt like my body was on fire, especially my groin - which was not good combined with the large volume of liquid they'd had me drink. The real burning feeling passed fairly quickly but the hot flush hung around for a while and hand me feeling decidedly iffy. On the plus side I remembered to tell them I was having an MRI scan straight afterwards so they made sure the cannula was in a suitable place to be reused for the second scan.

The MRI wasn't as bad this time. I was a bit surprised when they taped a couple of cod liver oil capsules to my hand beforehand but they explained that fat shows up really well on the scans so the capsules work as shiny beacons to highlight where the scar is on my hand. I though that was kind of cool, I love the low-tech simplicity of the practise :)

They used lots of foam to hold my arm and hand in position and the better support meant not as much pain in my shoulder. This machine doesn't have music so I had earplugs instead which is a huge improvement over Mull Of Kintrye on stutter. Even with earplugs it is stupidly loud and very thumpy and the resulting headache was impressive in it's thudding and thumping.

I must remember that if I have to have another one and take the day off work, because I don't think I was much use to anyone when I got in. The headache has faded today but is still there, and my hand is hurting lots more than usual from having been kept still for half an hour.

I now have 3 weeks to wait before I get the results. It's amazing how long three weeks can feel. My darling daughter obviously knows because there was a lovely bunch of flowers waiting for me when I got home, beautiful white roses. That was a lovely mood booster and just what I needed

  • FormerMember

    Oh how lovely to come home to roses...

    The first time I had the contrast, they said you might feel hot but not about the groin feeling. I thought I had wet myself!

    3 weeks is a long time to wait... poor you. I've only had to wait a week at the most and that seemed like eternity.

    I also think the cod liver oil capsules is cool!

    good luck for the results and hope the 3 weeks goes quickly

    Little My