And now we wait

1 minute read time.

My older blog posts seem to have vanished in the changes, oh well.

I'm now in the 'watch and wait' stage of my journey.  The treatment has finished but I have the routine of scans and follow up every three months for the next however long so it's not really over yet.

It's kind of hard.  I don't want to obsess over having cancer and I can see people's eye glazing over if I mention it, but it's still such a huge thing in my life.  I feel like I can't make plans too far ahead because I don't know how things are going to be.  I feel like my life is in limbo. 

On the one hand I am feeling really lucky that things seem to have gone well, and on the other every ache and pain is a worry that there is more cancer that hasn't been found yet.  I have another hospital visit next week and CT scan and MRI in a few weeks and however hard I try to just keep on keeping on I can't help but realise they wouldn't waste money on all these scans unless they thought they might find something.

It makes you appreciate things more - I don't have time to waste on stupid arguments and putting things off, I want to be living while I can.  It's not just me it's changed either - both of my kids are going to be running the Edinburgh Marathon next year in aid of Macmillan because of what we've all been through this year.  They make me feel so proud.

  • FormerMember


    They are not wasting money on scans.  They are making sure that you are well and continue to stay well and if they do see anything suspicious then they can deal with it straight away.

    Stay strong and give your kids my best wishes for their training programme and the marathon.  Good on them!

    Much love,

    Chrissie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    All the best and Good luck with your scan and MRI. They are just making sure that all is well. Not because they think you have Cancer. Just checking you dont , so try not to get uptight, yes I know its easy to say but another thing to do it. Anyway all the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe big hugs love Sarsfield.xx

  • I can sympathise with the planning ahead. I've had major surgery which has hopefully nailed my cancer, and I too am on the 3 month scans. Planning a holiday - thinking about when to book, when to go - is so difficult when there are follow ups lurking. It will be a worry each time, but I'd rather be screened than not. They wouldn't spend time & money if it wasn't worthwhile.

    If it's anything like mine, the longer you go clear, the better, so hopefully as the frequency of appointments decreases it will start to fade to the background. One of my friends commented that he was thrilled the first time he realised he hadn't once thought about his cancer all day.

    I'm not sure if I'll ever have that as I have to live with the effects of surgery (bladder reconstruction). It's a new 'normal' to adjust to.

    Good luck to your kids in the marathon & to you, hoping for clear results.