The next battle

  • SCT 2 day 11

    Surgeon came yesterday afternoon and mri was done at 5 pm. Pete was feeling a little brighter and wasn't in as much pain. His neutrophils had risen to 0.4 the same as on day 10 with his first transplant. Dr came today and told us mri was ok and just showed a lot of swelling. His neutrophils had risen to 1.5 but due to infections he needed to stay in hospital another few days. He has 1 infection in his line and another…
  • SCT 2 day 9

    Well the last few days haven't been great. Pete bum felt as though it was bruised and although Dr's couldn't see anything they suspected a small tare inside it. A surgeon was requested to come see him to check if this was the case but as yet no one has been. The dr today said she would chase this up. he spiked a temp of 39.9 at teatime which nurses spent the night trying to bring down. Currently he is on 3 lots of high…
  • SCT 2 day 5

    So after leaving Pete for the weekend, I came back yesterday to find him in tears. He is so tired both physically and mentally. He's struggling to drink due to lack of thirst and afraid to go to the toilet as it burns like he's had a hot curry. The nurse bless her soul was so relieved to see me. She had been trying to encourage him but was failing to get him to drink more. His platelets were low so had a transfusion…
  • SCT 2 day2

    Pete had his cells back on Wednesday and all was pretty straight forward. He still eating well although mainly sleeping in between. I've been feeling really guilty all week as it his birthday tomorrow and I have to leave him in the morning to go home till Sunday night. Today however he had the best prezzie he could ask for when Dr told him his markers were 9. Anything below 10 is normal. Also after being restricted…
  • SCT 2 Cells back today

    So after spending yesterday sleeping & receiving 2 units of blood yesterday, Pete is now ready to receive his cells. He's had his pre meds & we are waiting for R2d2 to arrive at the door. Approx 2 pm they said. Welcome back tootie fruitie turned sweetcorn smell