SCT 2 day 9

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Well the last few days haven't been great. Pete bum felt as though it was bruised and although Dr's couldn't see anything they suspected a small tare inside it. A surgeon was requested to come see him to check if this was the case but as yet no one has been. The dr today said she would chase this up. he spiked a temp of 39.9 at teatime which nurses spent the night trying to bring down. Currently he is on 3 lots of high dose anti biotics for infection, suspected to have come from his back passage. Morphine, codine and paracetamol for the pain and a gel to freeze the pain full area. Dr has also just prescribed another cream to help with the pain. He is tired and sleeping most of the day and hasn't eaten except for breakfast for the past 2 days. Awaiting both platelet and red blood cell transfusions and hoping they will perk him up a little. He definitely won't be goin home on day 10 this time that's for sure
  • FormerMember

    Oh gawd.i read your post with horror know im most likely having to go though all this in a few weeks time. Hope he is out soon i dont think i be in skirts anytime soon

  • FormerMember
    Damon don't panic. He is on his 2nd transplant with only lying 1 week since his 1st. HE is much brighter today and would be going home but he has 2 infections and antibiotics have effected his kidneys. Hope in a couple of days