The new normal

  • Of telephone calls and teamwork


    So we have reached an expected and unpleasant turning point in this terrible journey. My father is struggling to mobilse. The night before he fell before he could get back into bed and last night he was not able to get out of bed before he could get to the toilet. The result was predictable.

    First thing on Monday morning, I was the first in line at the GPs surgery. It was again an interesting lesson on being on the other…

  • Of sisters and gratitude


    So my minor cold kicked in this morning and rendered me unable to get out of bed. In the grand scheme of things it was rather pathetic. But I slept until midday then managed to get out of bed and resume a semi normal existence. While I was discharging most of my nasal contents my younger sister was sent to my flat to ‘take care of me’. Which entailed making herself comfortable on my sofa while I cooked lunch. We reminisced…

  • Of tears and turmoil


    Another evening at home with my parents. I finished work at 6pm and drove straight home. I am very tired I kept falling asleep at the traffic lights, seems opening the window did not help much.

    Home this evening was a challenge. My father seems to much the same as yesterday, asleep with little to say. For some reason I found it more distressing today. In fact brought me to tears which is not really normal for me. I…

  • Of sleep and dreams

    Home yesterday to see my parents. My father is tired. He was asleep for much of the time I went home yesterday evening. I have mixed feelings about this – I guess at least he is not in pain. But it fills me with deep sadness that he is so quiet. I hope he is having good dreams.
  • Of kneeling and clasping


    So, my luxurious time of doubt in the presence of God is over.

    I am now praying everyday for his grace and mercy. I am praying for a miracle.

    I am praying in a way that I never really prayed before.

    I am trusting that God will see us through, that God will see us right.

    While I am physically kneeling on the ground and clasping my hands together, mentally I am walking a tight rope. I am trying not to look…