Of tears and turmoil

1 minute read time.

Another evening at home with my parents. I finished work at 6pm and drove straight home. I am very tired I kept falling asleep at the traffic lights, seems opening the window did not help much.

Home this evening was a challenge. My father seems to much the same as yesterday, asleep with little to say. For some reason I found it more distressing today. In fact brought me to tears which is not really normal for me. I have been crying pretty much all evening - but in a way that only I know. I am getting good at wiping away tears surreptitiously.  I can understand why my sister is red-eyed and strained every time I see her. As for my mother, I cannot imagine what this must be like for her. Well, I guess I can see it in her face and her movements. However she is a woman of great faith and she holds onto this. I often wonder how my father feels - he does not say much. He finds it too stressful to talk. Well at least he seems comfortable - which is the most important thing. When he talks - he is still there, it's still him. How do I know this? He is still stubborn and strong-willed.

And now I am developing a cold, minor in the grand scheme of things. but annoying. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and now I am a snivelling wreck. I suppose it is nature's way of telling me to take it easy. But I am not sure how at this time of turmoil, I cannot be where I need to be. Well we shall see, life has it's own way of sorting things out. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Cassie

    Sorry to hear what you are experiencing .....

    I'm going through similar, my dad has pancreas cancer ...... he's now in a deep sleep but I know he hears me when I talk to him .....I seem to have times when I'm very strong, usually when I'm with my mam as she is crying a lot, but then driving home i just break down and sob ..... it's such a turmoil of emotions .......

  • FormerMember

    Gosh - it is much like that. I am sorry you are going through the same thing. It's so hard. I hope you have good people around to support through this difficult time.