Testicular Cancer - The partner of a patient

  • Potentially More Bad News - The Waiting Game Continues


    So, as an aftercare precaution Rich was given a C.T scan of his whole body to check for any signs that the cancer had spread. 

    Whilst we were sat in the waiting area of the C.T unit, there were some lovely people also waiting for the same thing. One of them was a lady that had been diagnosed with breast cancer three weeks before and had not yet had any treatment although she had just been advised that the cancer had spread…

  • The Surgery


    On 24th May this year (2019) we arrived at Birmingham City Hospital for Rich's surgery. The whole transition from admittance to bed was seamless and at 9am I was allowed in to sit with him. He was so nervous but the McMillan nurse Emma put his mind at rest and talked him through the whole process, being sure to answer any questions we may have. She then left her number if we thought of any questions afterwards. Obviously…

  • The diagnisos


    So on the 22nd of May this year (2019), our worlds were turned upside down. After attending a GP appointment two weeks before, for a swollen testicle, my partner Rich (Stricky1979 on here), was referred to the Birmingham City Hospital Urology department. Upon arrival he was given a hospital gown, a consultant examined him and immediately gave him forms and asked him to go down to the x-ray and blood test departments.