The diagnisos

1 minute read time.

So on the 22nd of May this year (2019), our worlds were turned upside down. After attending a GP appointment two weeks before, for a swollen testicle, my partner Rich (Stricky1979 on here), was referred to the Birmingham City Hospital Urology department. Upon arrival he was given a hospital gown, a consultant examined him and immediately gave him forms and asked him to go down to the x-ray and blood test departments.

This was at 9:15am and by 11am, we were in the consultants room hearing those dreaded words "we can confirm that you have testicular cancer". Rich's blank stare and my flood of tears were enough to assume that we understood the news, but how much do you fully understand when you're in shock? Poor Rich's face was blank, he was clearly in shock but trying to be brave for me. No-one should have to hear those words, especially not the person you love most in the whole world. 

This man had surgery 5 weeks before to remove his gall bladder and was in hospital for 7 and a half months in 2011 following a motorcycle accident, from which he still suffers from his injuries. This man does not need this!!!

As if the shock of the diagnosis wasn't enough, the consultant asked him to be back at City Hospital for 7:30am on 24th May (2 days later) for surgery to remove the testicle. This was all a blur and happening so fast that we couldn't comprehend the scale of what was happening. In hindsight, it was better this was as he didn't have time to dwell on it and was being taken care of by our wonderful NHS without having to wait months for an appointment. He was so lucky that they were prompt. 
