Bonuses all round...what a funny day!

6 minute read time.

What a busy day.....

what a bloomin weird day...

Started with Blood test at the GPs. Last one said some things were a little low so needed a retest in 4 weeks. Ok.... so troop down to surgery and nice nurse does her stab, ouch thing but gets the blood out first time...

Are you having the flu jab she says?

Well, you sent me a letter saying I should get one says LM who doesn't usually like stuff like that (but then again she usually doesn't get ill either ha ha ha) maybe I should...?

I think you should as you have a crap immunity and you've just had chemo says nurse... I can do it now if you like.

Oh bonus needle says LM.. 2 pricks for the price of one... go on then. (snigger)

Stab, ouch

 And that was that.

I also managed to freak myself out  a little bit by 'being nosy'

She went off to get the flu thing and I was left sat next to the computer with my notes up... of course I had to have a look at the report from GC to GP about the number 1 result.

I discover that GC is in the 'jolly positive' camp of consultants and the word on the street on the computer isn't quite so jolly and cut and dried.

Your liver is fine translates in doc speak to Liver lesions are stable at present. Likely not to be metastasis, but keep checking., might be....  Can't see Hefty translated to something about a fairly positive outcome at the moment type thing and then there was all this stuff about lymph nodes that I didn't get to before she came in. Hmmm I guess they have to be a bit more cagey to eachother  but didn't sound as good there as him saying whoo hooo and i am back there next week so he'd better be jolly again! Oh that reminds me, must buy some Rolos...  Then the come back for another test cos a couple or readings are a little o the low side has bright red ABNORMAL written in capitals and everything..and blah blah etc  you get the picture. What you knew, but in not so jolly terms..

Anyway, after the bonus needle, come home and nearly faint cos I forgot I don't walk that far and that quick and walked too far and quick and after I stopped being dizzy, mark some books cos I have to do marking again grrr and had to lie down a couple of times on the floor to poke intestines back in- they are getting too nosey for their own good! Wish they would be content with baggy telling them what is what out there... don't need to see for themselves. It really isn't that interesting!

Did think that I had to lie down in the middle of the road on the way home, but decided that it was safer to wait till I got home. :o)

So, early lunch and off to other hospital (where Cariad goes) to see nice nurse (hopefully) and not crazy stoma nurse to see what is what.... Cariad is there having her line flushed and says maybe we can meet up for real (!!!!) This is actually very freaky to me.

You are my macmates and I have mental images of you all, and you know all about my psycho moments and my pubes and everything and now apparently you are actually real people!!! and I can meet one of you for real!!! That is weird....

I had collywobbles and butterflies and all sorts at the thought of meeting Ems and what if she thought I was 'wrong' and boring and what if she was 'wrong' etc....

So get to hospital (it smells, don't like it) My cancer hospital doesn't smell but this is normal hospital with people wandering around in gowns and drips and it smells.

Bonus! Nice nurse Mandy is there and crazy stoma nurse is on holiday so nice Mandy (who has defected to bum cancer nurse from stomas these days so I knew her in another guise.. the 'you've got cancer phone me if it freaks you out' guise

So I lie down and Mandy asks me to cough and sit up and lie down etc and she pokes around with baggy and that....

So. It looks healthy i.e. pink and not blue. Blue means come to hospital, pink is ok. Glad I am girly pink for once.

No lifting, or stretching or reaching. (hard for a Little My who has to reach to get anything being little and likes to do stuff ho hum.)

But I've just moved house says Little My. I want to lift and stretch and carry and do stuff.

Well you can't. And you have to wear big pants.

Ha ha ha I knew it!!

Oh and if you cough or sneeze or laugh, put your hand over your stoma to stop it popping out.

I have got a cold and have been known to have the odd laugh... ok lets face it, I laugh all the time, except for yesterday when I cried, but I am back to laughing all the time and sneezing and coughing so...

Can I have a third hand please? cos one of them is rather busy holding my inners in.

Bonus- I can get my big pants free on prescription if I want ha ha. I guess they will be like my free NHS 'Anne Summers kit' Functional, boring and not nice.... I can buy hold it all in big pants for people who want to look skinny when they are not, but being not very big, I am not sure they make them for skinny people who don't mind about looking fat cos they are not but want the hold in properties... so guess its prescription knickers for me.

Wondering what else I can get on prescription now... woodburner? new bath? carpets? Mind you, judging on the other items, not sure I want a functional, boring plastic woodburner.

So bonus pants and hand in place and  nothing else one can do except lie down and press in the jiggly way and don't do anything.... I wander out to find Cariad...

She says she is wearing a purple turban, green cardiagan and red shoes. I think 2 things.

1. How will I ever find her? She will look the same as everyone else (not ha ha)

2. blimey, is she colour blind or mad?

So there I am texting her to say I am out of baggy land and a get a hug from behind and I see purple and think Oh you must be Ems. Unless there is a loony on the loose randlomly hugging people. It is a loony on the loose, but its also Ems.

Bit like the Archers. She is not blond and too tall and all wrong from my 'head picture' and it is really really odd and freaky to be sitting having coffee with someone saying Oh in my blog blah blah and her telling me about her coffee machine and that but after a while her body starts to match and change what is in my head and she is lovely and we chat for about 2 hours!! till the coffee ladies take our cups away and pull the grills down and we have to go.

So come home... what a weird bonus filled day.

Got to go online and order my big pants and then go to the parents evening that is on at school and if anyone asks any awkward question, I am lying down on the floor instantly... got to be a perk to this eh?

So today I think it is funny that I will be randomly lying down and poking and jiggling here there and anywhere and that I get free pants snigger . I think the novelty will wear off quite quickly but heres to laughing about it cos I did crying about it yesterday and that wasn't half so much fun and all I am saying is that when I met Ems, I spent the whole 2 hours with my hand there.. and I wasn't coughing or sneezing...

Gotta go and eat a crappy microwave meal (cooker doesn't come till Friday) and then go and say blah blah your kid is amazing or not for a while so see you later.....

Big hugs to you all

Little My xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    All in all, sounds like a pretty good day. Glad Ems didn't scare you too much! I wish I could get my big pants on prescription, because they're bl**dy ugly and I grudge spending money on them. As an alternative, you claim to be good at DIY, couldn't you devise something yourself? How about a scarf with a very big knot strategically placed and tied very tight round your middle, on the outside. You might even start a trend?

    Have to go, the cat's just thrown up again and I've run out of kitchen roll! Off to the shops to stock up. Just noticed when I was washing her bowls earlier that some of my hair has somehow got into them. Makes a change from me finding cat hairs in my my mugs and glasses! Talk about karma.

    Love you, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Good evening Miss how was Parent's Evening? :D

    I was nervous too because I had no idea what you would look like apart from you telling me you had you Indecisive Shoes on and an Orange Fleece, and would we get on or stare awkwardly at the floor??

    You were lovely and you bought me a present!!!! So then I had Guilt as I hadn't done one for you teehee!!

    And it was a wooly hat to keep my newly bald head warm, with a sparkly tiara to go on top of hat or bakd head *Grins* - so thank you for meeting me out of Macland which WAS odd but very nice and thank you for the Gifts :))

    Huge Hugs to everyone and some warm cwtchs too xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Well, LM sounds like you had a big expotition as Winny the Pooh would say and you too Ems.

    Take care

    Jan x

  • FormerMember


    Lovely to see you back on form LM and glad you and Ems had such a lovely time.

    Much love,

    Chrissie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Glad you had such a good time with Ems. Meeting up with my hospital family made things so much easier, and now as I only see my haematologist every 6 months I really miss everyone. Apparently some of my favourite nurses have also moved on, but i still get hugs from the Vampire lady, and the receptionists treat me like an old friend.

    No good comes from being nosey. My consultant has never used the words 'remission' with me and has always said that blood tests are very good, and everything is as it should be, but has never gone "Whoopy doo! you're cured!" Mind you, when I was really ill, even though I knew he was running out of options, he just stayed calm and never gave up on me. The only time he told me how worried he'd been was a year after my transplant I said that I didn't think I'd still be alive and he said he didn't think so either!

    I've got to have the nasty flu jab on the 15th. Thought I might get away without one, but its a lifetime commitment now. I usually have a couple of crap days afterwards!

    Hope that Parents evening went well, and that you didn't provide them with hot dogs. Get your feet up and take it easy tomorrow.

    Love and Hugs xxxxx