
  • January, February don't you come around....


    Realised I had not done a blog in ages and ages so thought I had better update things a little bit cos my life is getting busy! So I will try and be brief cos I am attempting to show you my calendar for the next few months....

    Ok deep breath.... and January (only 5 days left  so shouldn't take long)

    Remember that course I said I would sign up for if I was to live to fight another day....? Well, the next step is that…

  • Nothing to do with cancer really, but you asked! LM goes yoghurt knitting and loses her crayons.


    Little My has been away for 2 days with a work meeting retreat in a middle of the nowhere guest house place with no mobile phone signal and limited internet access. With 6 other knit your own yoghurt types. Oh dear.  I hope that this is vague enough to not get me the sack, should someone stumble upon it. Then again, perhaps getting the sack would be a blessed relief!

    So, the cast:

    A- makes us say verses and mediatations…

  • No Balloons but Ooooh shiny things! aka appointment with a surgeon and lunch with Odin!


    So Little My got up early and tried out her new shiny thing from her bruv… a sat nav and drove to the shiny new hospital somewhere in the middle of some unpronounceable middle of nowhere place  in Wales. Oooh shiny hospital… all single ensuite rooms instead of wards and shiny corridors etc. Very empty.

    Got to the shiny weirdly colour coordinated waiting room of orange and grey... and only me and an old…

  • a visit to GC's Grotto and God Jul One and All...


    Went to see GC today, in case you hadn’t heard already (as if!!!) . Was tempted to do the musical light up antler style merkin to give him a laugh, but then thought he might run away screaming so best not eh? Still, the idea made me snigger.

     So just the polished shiny bum and Rolos in and off we go…

    The place was really crowded and there were extra clinics etc on (I guess to see everyone before Christmas…

  • Silent Night and a mouse and an elephant...


     It’s the end of term. I have been back at work for a whole term and managed whooo hoooooo! I am still only part time but didn’t think I would manage to last the course so am very happy and very very tired!) We had a Christmas concert pageant/festival thingy at school. Two performances as we can’t fit all the parents in the hall at once. Music teacher asked me if I would sing the alto part to Silent Night.. Yeah ok says…