
  • Invites for Lunch and Ballooning. What fun!


    I haven’t done a blog in ages so thought I should catch up a bit... Warning does contain an obligatory headtilt, rude words and silliness. Some of this has gone onto warped so sorry for repeating myself (burp)

    Last Little My left you she was talking bun ballooning with FC and following headtilters around the room.

    The surgical consultant I am being referred to shall hereby be named SC.

    So, FC and GC have apparently…

  • Balloons and Parties


    Part one: Balloons aka Check up day

    Normally GC keeps everyone waiting for hours (I think it’s cos we all swoon at his lovely shiny face and he takes ages to shovel us up off the floor and out. Today I go to get my coffee and she’s just pouring it out when...

    “Little My to be weighed please...” booms the tannoy

    Oh that’s me.. I’ll come back in a mo... save my coffee please...


  • When Worlds Collide... GCs and MPs...


    Hey I think this one might be really short (faint swooon) there's a novelty for you! This is about tomorrow really but first:

    Today I blew my bag off!

    Literally... too many beans and lentils and that and a stomach ache all week culminated in Little My just stepping out of the staffroom to go to her first lesson of the day when... grumble grumble parp! and she blew her bag off... !! diarrhoea and all ! It was quite…

  • The Headtilters' Ball


    I am aware that some people don't like silly and want to know what they are going to read in blogland... so this one is not for anyone who loves sympathy and head tilts from people and the poor you type comments. The rest of you reporbates, another silly on its way...

    I realised my last blog was getting me a telling off and I didn’t want that (and I will do less next week I promise...)  so I thought I would do…

  • Sulks and Head Tilts galore... but not enough Spoons


    Firstly, I would like to apologise that as you know I can write pages just on one morning... this is the whole week so that means a few thousand words are needed.... sorry. I did think I should go back and delete a chunk but I don’t have the energy so I have packed off St Bernard Bernard dog with his Brandy to trawl the blog for casualties or boozers... hope you cope. I would recommend you skip to the bottom and just…