a visit to GC's Grotto and God Jul One and All...

4 minute read time.

Went to see GC today, in case you hadn’t heard already (as if!!!) . Was tempted to do the musical light up antler style merkin to give him a laugh, but then thought he might run away screaming so best not eh? Still, the idea made me snigger.

 So just the polished shiny bum and Rolos in and off we go…

The place was really crowded and there were extra clinics etc on (I guess to see everyone before Christmas) Usually it’s just me and the 80 year old ’oooh don’t you look well’  club on bum day but today there were  loads of other people too – some even younger than me!! (which I don’t like to be honest)

The nice blood nurse wasn’t there and I got the man who is also nice, but not as good as getting blood from my veins who usually like to play hide and seek with your average phlebotomist.( What a great word!!)  So as he was teasing the other lady, I offered to thump him for her… he then in revenge tourniquet-ed both my arms to no avail and tried both hands and in the end with a lot of jggling of needles did it from the back of my hand. OUCH. Still hurts now.

Little My to Room 6 please… Off I go and today GC comes sweeping  in .I  haven’t seen his lovely shiny face the last two times, and I was beginning to think that FC was my new fave cos he does make me laugh, but actually seeing GC again reminded me why I called him that. He is a gorgeous consultant in so many ways…

 Hi LM,  How’s the vaginal dilators going? Scarring loosening up?

Hmm not a bad opening line… thinks LM.

Want to help me out on that one? Thinks LM OOOOOH you naughty girl… slapped wrists and all that.

So we do the ‘waterworks’ and ‘bowel department’ chat. I love their euphemisms so much. I find it so odd though that he can walk into the room and bellow out how’s your vagina and then say waterworks to me and how are things in the bowel department!

So, small talk over, onto the couch.

Usual comments of Nice Groin and ‘feels good’ etc  snigger.

OUCH! Sorry, ouch, sorry, - as usual.

So, usual stuff about the state of my bum and he says  that SC will want to stretch it  to properly break up the scar tissue. Ouch says LM.

 Oh don’t worry, you’ll be asleep he says.


‘Its still  early days he said about my shit energy levels (as Stinker keeps telling me!)  but you will get there and it’ll be Spring  too and that’ll help… errr why? Cos of the chocklit at Easter maybe??

Anyway, he tells me there is new advice for extra scans to be done so they are going to follow it. He said it was cos a lot of doctors have no experience of my cancer type as there aren’t many of us around. He said that he did all the bums in the SE of Wales so he knew what he was feeling for. For some reason that really made me laugh.

So, he said that he would let me go for 3 months this time and next check up he’ll order a scan. The rest is over to SC next week and the more I hear about it, the more sore it sounds.

So How cool is that??????? Hahaaaaa. Half of me thought that is what would happen cos that is what should happen, but of course there is always that bit of you that does the what ifs…

Sunday shiny bum decided to celebrate by crapping for the rest of the morning non stop and my bum aches too much to sit on it after GC rummaging for his Rolo and the pooing.

Back home and P was welling up with tears. I forget how stressed he gets about it cos he never says anything and always does this ‘oh its only cancer, you’ll be fine’ sort of thing… but I got the biggest hug ever from him and big grins from Max and loads of lovely messages from you lot too so I am a very happy My indeed!

Now to the important business: Christmas. So Max and I decorated the tree this afternoon. (he moved the necessary furniture and had done the garden this morning!)

As you know, I am half Swedish so do a Swenglish Christmas.  (half and half). My tree is pure Swedish. I’ll explain. The Swedes are basically a bunch of pagans. We nod to Christianity but all the symbols are pagan. Easter is symbolised by witches and black cats and Christmas is gnomes (tomtens) and pigs and toadstools etc.

So my tree does not have a bauble or tinsel in site… It is bedecked with stars and apples and toadstools and pigs and reindeer and all  kinds of funny things and I love it!! I’ll see if I can get a photo to maybe persuade you to go Viking pagan.   Sorry, couldn’t get one. Imagine it. The house will be draped in ivy too tomorrow J


 We celebrate on Christmas eve so I do a bit tomorrow and a bit on Christmas day too so for me tomorrow is the start of Christmas J

So, on warped will be your Christmas mission from me and on blogland I want to wish you all a


And the best Christmas for you, whatever that may be…

Thank you all for being such a wonderful family to a Little My who doesn’t have much of a real one and I feel so lucky and blessed to have such an amazing lot of amazing people as friends/family on here.

Yuletide love and blessings to you all

Little My xxx
