
  • Brace again- its very long (and very silly)

    Firstly, I would like to say how shocked I am by all your bad habits... (being Saint My of no-vice-dom) I think we should go on a Green tea detox next week when all this is over... or then again, maybe not....
     So, the cats are glued to the pheromones, P is cleaning the house like we’ve got ecoli on the premises (Archer's reference for you Radio 4 types) and I am chewing my nails off and trying to distract myself with…
  • Brace yourselves!!!


    Promise this one will be short enough that oxygen is not required but in return you have to do something at the end ha ha... (suspense eh?? that might keep you going to the end... ooh what could it be.... ah ah... I know your type... no sneaky scrolling down!!! )

    So, having spent the weekend with my head in the metaphorical sand and lovely it was too...and can just about breathe again... tomorrow is Monday (yeah, I know you…

  • Little My's day off from it all!


    Thought you all needed cheering up after yesterday and was worrying about you lot feeling angry etc for me....After reading all your wonderful comments and nearly wanting to cry from being so touched by all your kind words and even status updates and pms etc etc..... when some of you are so much worse off than me.... yet you still take time to wish me love etc...so...

    I decide that I am not called Little My for nothing…

  • Can I have a day off it all?? Pleeaaseee????


    And lo the gods looked down on earth... and what they saw was good....

     and behold... they saw Little My taking heed of her friends ' advice fand trying to take it easy..... 

     Little My sayeth unto the gods... b*gger off solicitors and cats and work and life stuff... I will  take heed of the great prophets  Madge and Nanny b and their disciples too numerous to mention and  taketh the cancer seriously and will relax and recuperate…

  • reality check needed for a Little My who still doesn't know better


    Ok deep breath and type slowly...in.. out.... aaaahhhh, sniff the pheromones (trying not to kill Shaz and Madge with exhaustion!)

    So, you know I am a nutter by now and I know and despite being asked to join mensa as a child, I am really really stupid when it comes to me and me being superwoman/ etc and live on stupid cloud cookoo land when it comes to health and thinking I can do anything etc...and my brain makes really stupid…