
  • Breathless- in every sense of the word (postcard from Sweden 2)

    Hi my lovely British mates...!
    Still here, still having a lovely time, still wishing you were here....
    This getting what you want lark always seems to be tinged with sadness somehow.... I got what I wanted which was please just one more time here with my family and the most beautiful countryside in the world (in my eyes) and I am relishing every tiny little bit of it but then that phrase ‘just one more time’ comes in…
  • Postcard from Sweden

    Having a lovely time, wish you were here.
    Love Little My
    Oh, how you wish it could be that short!! Bad luck, stock up on food and drink, it’s actually 4 days worth- I’d do your teeth and get into bed if I was you, lets face it, it’s going to be long...
    Hi there... are you missing me?
    Who’s that? I hear you say... Little My? Who is she?
    I know, ye of chemo brains... easily forgotten....
  • Me again... bye again and... Paul's comment againxxx


    Ha ha ha.. can't get rid of me that easily.... ! Ok, I know I said bye already... but... you know me.... and Tigghogg was getting up a petition and I was worried it might be misread and you'll petition for Wing Commander John and Colonel Christine to not let me back in again....and...

    Just need to say a few things...(again)

    1.Am I ready?

    Well, I have got my tickets, passport, bags, clean pants...(boy and lady…

  • Devil and Angel and Bye!



    Can't resist another quick  little blog before I go away and I have to let you know about the entertainment I've arranged for you in my absence....

    There are 2 Little My's in my head.. (what? only 2 you say? Well, only 2 that talk to me.. the others aren't on speaking terms with me...) they are the Devil and Angel ones shall we say....and they have both been out to play today. Devil usually isn't allowed…

  • Going to Sweden soon :o)

    Oh for goodness sake, just when you lot finally persuade me to slow down, the Mac lot start telling me to ‘move more’ and asking me how much exercise I have done! Better go off for a quick jog...
    Yeah right, like that’s going to happen! Puff, pant, wheeze....
    OKbeofre the hols bit,  a quick update on the chaos otherwise known as Little My’s Life... the theme seems to be how much money can you spend…