Devil and Angel and Bye!

4 minute read time.


Can't resist another quick  little blog before I go away and I have to let you know about the entertainment I've arranged for you in my absence....

There are 2 Little My's in my head.. (what? only 2 you say? Well, only 2 that talk to me.. the others aren't on speaking terms with me...) they are the Devil and Angel ones shall we say....and they have both been out to play today. Devil usually isn't allowed out in public so apologies to the faint hearted at having to hear some of her outrageous drivel... I usually keep her well locked up.

Real world was clearing out the lump of rotten wood about the size of a kennel that calls itself a pathetic excuse for a shed which  I won't bore you with, except to say I was very brave cos there were lots of spiders in a very very small space   and I didn't scream or run away-only cos I can't run:o) So that counts as my exercise for today and I was so knackered afterwards that I had to come on here for some fun.....

Firstl I would like to apologise to the Mac admin people for being too silly today as Devil came out a bit more than Angel I think....

If you remember a while back, I blogged about being a rebel no more.. and my tendency to say 'No, make me..'. whenever someone says 'do this cos its good for you.... '.

Soooo, Mac lot start telling me to 'exercise cos its good for you and it might stop it coming back etc.'

So Devil My says "No, f*** off, make me" in my head.

Normally, I ignore her,  and try and temper her into something bordering on being reasonable, but i read a comment on their blog about it which set off Devil My more saying  hear hear... no, won't do it... stop telling me what to do, you patronising doo gooders.. etc etc

Shut her up enough to not get lobbed off the site (I hope) but I did leave a message a little bit to that effect...and I am very sorry Mac people, I know you only have our best interests at heart and all that.... and it wasn't really me....

 Then Devil My gets a taste for this commenting business and decides she wants to play some more while she's out so she goes onto the other one about a Treat on Thursday and left some silly commments there too.... those were just silly thankfully.

So, on a roll, she then goes onto the Community Cchampions and leaves some sillies there too.... luckily our new champion, power crazed John got the brunt of them... so admin got a break... more on him later....

So, sorry, admin people. I won't let her out again and I am just  in a silly mood cos I'm going on holiday soon and will leave you in peace for a bit and stop leaving silly messages on your announcements...

Now... Angel side comes in cos you all left me the most loveliest messages on my last blog. Some were funny  and some  made me want to cry a bit.... those were Shaz (who made me realise something I have wondered all my life  and that is that Home really is where your heart is...) and Paul and then.... John! 

And the biggest angelic moment is reserved today for John.... who somehow, I don't know how, maybe you can do it on the internet or something, or maybe he is actually Swedish, but John left me the most lovely message on my blog IN SWEDISH!!!!!! Thanks, John, you are living up to  your Champion name... I was sooooo touched!!!! I am too embarrassed to translate it, but it was lovely.

Brigadeer John came out today as our new Community champion so as I said, Devil My had to leave some sillies on that one too but she did  inspire a great response from Sargeant John. He has agreed to take his new role seriously and entertain you while away.... and I must say, his offer did make me reconsider my holiday for a nano-second....

Lets just say he's offered to run a competition of Spot the Ball..... and his football strip is .... well, er... strip! 

So, Angel is  saying thank you you lovely lovely mac people for being you and accepting a loony like me running about like an idiot all over your site and thank you for all your support and kind words.. and Devil says thank you all sooooo much for the giggles and fun and warped stuff and there will be more of that soon enough... and can I have a new vice please cos she is getting too clean living for words here...

And  in case I don't blog again (still sounds so rude to me that) before I go away... please please please look after yourselves while I am away and take care of eachother and keep giggling until I get back

Jag alskar dej... stor stor stor kram

kaffe, tee, gin, vodka, bulle, glas, whiskey,  mmm.Vvar sa god....

Lilla My xxxx



  • FormerMember

    you will have so much reading to do when you get back it will wear you out more than any marathon,hope you have a great time as I am sure you will and bring back Litte Devil and Angel, we will miss you all xxx

  • FormerMember

    En test huh okay försöker, omfamningar, Kaffete, gin, vodka, whisky och det känner - smaker god kanske inte god på walesisk Kamrat?

    Love and hugs - oops xx

  • FormerMember

    Hope you have a great holiday Little My.You deserve it!! xxx

  • FormerMember

    Ditto what John says lol.

    We will miss your posts Little My, but, having said that, I dare you to try getting on here when you get back lol.

    Only joking hun, have a fantastic holiday. Looking forward to your updates on the holiday. Say hello to your family for me.

    Love, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Well I can honestly say............................  

                     "YEAH, HOLIDAY"

    So Im on the train, chooo chooo "are we there yet"

    So Im in Scotland, "are we there yet"

    "are we there yet" .....................

                   "ARE WE THERE YET"

    Yes we are.....hooray.... Im looking out of the big window onto a beautiful sunny morning sipping my first cup of the day...................oooooooooooh if only, but Im going to look at that picture you posted every morning while drinking my tea and pretend Im sitting with you.......well maybe not too close...... coke! fizzy! farty !

    Have a great holiday my friend, speak soon (probably tonight, you just cant keep away :) )

    Shaz, Dave and f.a.c of a dog xxx

    ((((((((((((((((((Little My, Son, Brother))))))))))))))))))