TCHP journey

  • Spring is on its way

    Kadcyla no 10 completed last week, have another 2 or 4 depending on what my oncologist decides in early April! Either way I finish April/May God willing. I know from others the hair growing back stage is challenging I am so lucky to have a fabulous h...
  • Been a while….!!

    I think the shock of continuing on  treatment stopped me writing for a while….!! This year has been busy I went to 4 weddings and one funeral sadly. I managed to not have to wear a wig as kept half my hair with the cold cap previously. Am...
  • Wedding Day! Not mine!

    Just over a week ago I was told by my oncologist that I had residual cancer cells following TCHP chemo & surgery 3 weeks ago with 16mm found in breast tumour & 4mm in 1 lymph node 6 were removed.Tuesday I started IV Kadcyla!Weds rung by my BC...
  • The Journey continues

    I didn’t have the best of days yesterday my oncologist gave me my results from lumpectomy. 16mm of residual cancer (live) cells found in the breast tumour tissue and 4mm in 1 out of 6 lymph nodes dissected. So have to come off the planned Phes...
  • Surgery - Done!

    Friday 24th June day after my Mum’s 80th birthday, D-Day or BC day!! Had to go to the x Ray dept for 9:15 for radioactive isotope injection into breast, it helps surgeon locate lymph nodes. I wasn’t expected on the day case ward until 11:...