'Hair today gone tomorrow'

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Haven't had the courage to shave my head yet I keep trying to hold on to it, feel really tired and sleep alot have to force myself to take the puppy out for a walk or I'll just sit there.  Next chemo on tuesday and although I know it's not that bad I still don't look forward to it never know what effect it will have as I know it's a culmalative effect if thats spelt right. Am about to go out now with Mister and get some fresh air poor little thing is bored. PS Monna learning to drive was the best thing I ever did almost 2 yars to the day in October I'd be stranded without it so keep up the good work.

Speak soon

Tina xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Tina x

    I know how you feel about your hair. I'll be starting my chemo soon and it's my biggest fear. I can't give you any advice because although my boyfriend says I should get it shaved ready, I just can't. It's easy for him, because he has short hair! All I can suppose is that you'll know what to do when it feels right. You're doing soooooo well though so don't forget that.

    Big hugs xx

  • FormerMember

    Aww Tina...at least the treatment is underway now...i have my 2nd lot tomorrow...on my 50th birthday..lol..not how i planned to spend it...but heyho...its gotta be done...are you having ur treatment at the Churchill Unit?...i hope u dont ind me asking...

    Good luck..n take care...love

    Sharon xx

  • FormerMember

    I don't have breast cancer but i do have Hodgkins Lymphoma and i know what its like to lose ur hair. It was my biggest concern cos i had pretty long hair. I had it cut short into a bob when i was diagnosed to make it easier when it fell out. Thru my first type of chemo, it faired very well, it was very thick to start with so it just ended up looking thin after 5 lots which was 2 an a half months. I noticed how much came out and it was really upsetting washing it and seeing how much would come out but i knew it had to happen.

    I was then admitted to hospital for a different type of chemo and within a week, it had all virtually fallen out, i left hospital a week later with not very much hair but stil waited 3 days to shave it becuase i couldn't bring myself to. The thing is, once i'd done it, i actually felt alot better cos it was 'right, its done now'! It did start growing back an got to about an inch long, i was stil having chemo at this point then about 3 weeks after i finished  the 2nd chemo, i woke up to find hair on my pillow, got outta the shower to find big bald patches so shaved it again. After that i had some highdose chemo an that was it then, it didnt grow back for a while but i finished all my chemo in July and by the start of september, it had started to grow back!

    I now have a nice short covering of hair so far and its doin well! My point, sorry if i have rambled, is that it is prob the hardest thing to do for a woman and it really does feel like it will never grow back, but it does, and it comes back quite quickly! I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes too and they just sprouted up out of nowhere! I wore a wig or a headscarf most of time but now i dont bother, i get a few funny look but less than i did when i was wearing a headscarf!

    I really wish u all the best with ur treatment and hope u get thru the difficult bits. I came to a point where i could make jokes about losing my hair, i hope u find a way of getting thru it too,

    Take Care

