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Haven't been here for a while have been trying to get on with things but after the 3rd dose of chemo epirubicin I seem to have little or no energy every thing just seems too much it's a struggle to take the puppy out but have to manage, don't know how I can cope with much more, have to have a line fitted for the chemo as they keep struggling to find a vein am still going to christies although they keep promising I can have have it at Bolton. Have the last Epirubicin on the 10th November the the CMF starts 3 weeks later god knows what that will do for me I'm dreading it.

I did the photo's I said if anyone wants to see and have raised a fair bit of money for charities from work and my fella's work but I can't seem to feel positive this week don't know what to do to bring me out of it I'm normally so positive.

  • FormerMember

    Hya Sun you know it sounds like you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself to 'stay positive' you are going through an incredibly challenging and draining experience, why should anyone feel 'positive'. Im sure the breast bunch will be able to give you advice and info on the particular treatment you're on but in general Im thinking could you give yourself permission to be poorly, know that you need to accept all the love, support and caring thats around you, and I hope theres plenty. Sending you a part of that TLC, Karen xox

  • FormerMember


    So nice to hear from you again... Looovvvvveeee the photos. You're amazing. Don't worry about trying to 'bring yourself out of it'. Just go with the flow. Something will happen, (something small usually) and you will feel positive again. You know what it's like.

    Just remember, we're all here for you. We're all hugging you and all understand exactly how you're feeling. You're amazing and brave and are coping brilliantly.


    Monna xxxx

  • FormerMember

    the photos are great - you look amazing! ditch the scarves and just go with your head. and get a beanie for those cold days!

  • FormerMember


    I had the four cycles of epi at the Christie but was then transferred to Bolton for the 4 cycles of CMF. The CMF is two weeks on and two weeks off.,Blood tests done on a Tuesday, return for the chemo on Wednesday. I was generally fine, but got very wet eyes, ( got eye drops), .a very dodgy tum for a couple of days ( had to stay near a loo) and then got hives due to the methotrexate!!!

    The nurses at the Churchill Unit in Bolton are absolutely fantastic. Hope you get transferred soon

    take care

    Kath x

  • FormerMember

    Hiya Tina....aww im sorry to hear your're having a bad time of it....its not always easy to be Monna said...go with the flow of how you feel...dont pressure yourself to be upbeat all

    the time.

    Take care n i hope you get transferred to the Churchill unit will be so much easier for you...although the staff at Christies are amazing anything to make life easier at the moment is a bonus....

    Lots of love n hugs...Sharon xxxx