Today I finally cracked up!

2 minute read time.

Hello all I have been around the site for a long time now, about 18 months. Mum's cancer journey has been considerably longer she is suffering from bowel cancer had half removed, a stoma for a while then had that reversed. After chemo and the all clear for a while it came back on her liver, another op had a third removed, more chemo. Then back it came, it's now on her lungs and in her lymph nodes and we were told it is terminal about 18 months ago.

Well to say that time has been a rollercoaster would be an understatement through all of this she has fought and fought and at times has been so unwell. But Christmas was a real eye opener she has been plodding along really but over Christmas all the family realised how unwell she really is now. She is tired, lethargic, has little appetite and a really bad cough. It was a shock as she tried to carry on as normal but failed and we had to persuade her to give in and sit down. She looked defeated and there was such a finality about the whole thing as we kind of all knew that she was not going to cope with doing her much loved family gathering again. God this sounds depressing I know, but this is how it is.

So why after all this time around the site did I decide to start blogging now, quite simply I feel we have entered a new chapter and felt I needed it now. I have been very tearful since leaving Mum's on Sunday and today I cracked in front of a room full of people! Those who know me, will know that I am a (mature!!) student nurse, I qualify in September (well that's the plan!). In the middle of a tutor group today we were asked to recall experiences from our last practice placement, some of the guys have been in the community and dealt with a lot of palliative care. The over arching theme seemed to be how hard it was to see family and carers so upset after the event. At this point I cut in and said I was having trouble with the conversation, burst into tears and ran out of the room. Well that is it I have finally cracked up publicly in front of all of my friends, I felt such a fool. It doesn't matter how much people tell you it's ok and these should be people who understand, I still feel like a fool.

Ok so here we go today was the last straw and I need an avenue to vent from time to time. I know there will still be good times and I plan to share those too, welcome to my blog.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Mummys Girl,

    Now what can you tell me is wrong with being human and having human feelings, Do you think

    that because You are a nurse soon to be, that you cant show your feelings. For some reason some people think nurses are hard hearted and shouldnt be affected by looking after sick people, or a relative.

    You People (Nurses) are the most kind hearted gentle people I have ever met and believe me I have met a few in my time. So stop this Im being a fool business. Just be yourself. Good luck in Sept You will make one Hell of a good nurse. Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mummys Girl

    firstly, can I say that the best nurses are those with compassion and warmth, and often those who themselves have had cause to be involved on the other side of the system, so in that respect please do not feel foolish that you got upset, it was entirely understandable and your colleagues will respect that.

    You are having to face the fact that your Mums journey is changing, that she may not have much longer and this is always a really hard transition to make. I think that much of our grieving actually happens when we have to face what lies ahead, and it is a very emotional time. I lost my mum in september after a short (9 week)  but very intense and difficult battle. As soon as she was told her condition was terminal with 2/3 months at best, I felt that I began to grieve for the future we had always imagined. I think that perhaps this is what has happened to you since christmas, when faced with the reality of your mums changing health. This time of year is always emotional anyway, and maybe everything has just begun to overwhelm you.

    Try to make some time for you , to deal with how you feel, and remember that there a lots of people on this site always willing to listen xx. I have felt that my blog has been therapeutic to me, enabling me to pour out my feelings that I would maybe not have been able to voice otherwise, so perhaps this may be the same for you and you will find it a release?

    Sending some ((hugs)) your way, I know how hard this journey is. With love, Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for all your kind thoughts, the strength of compassion on this sight never fails to knock me for six. Have found out that she has been prescribed some antibiotics to help with her chest just can't help feeling it's more than that. Oh well have to pick myself up and carry on as my daughter is 9 tomorrow and has a few friends coming for tea (yipes!).

    Thank you once again.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Di

    First I agree with everythng that has been said by the others - you are a compassionate caring Daughter who is going to be a very great nurse - it is about caring as much as treatment.

    You said you cracked up in front of your FRIENDS !-so why worry, they are your friends and maybe they feel almost as upset as you about how things worked out in the Tutor Group.

    Sorry how your Mum is progressing and the reason you now need to Blog, but glad you have now found the will to do so and share your pain, concerns and worries with others who have been there too so do understand.

    You already know from reading others blogs for 18 months - you need never be alone on here.

    Love and Higs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Di, sorry that you find yourself in the situation where you need to blog to vent your feelings, but so glad that you have chosen to do so on this site. As others have said, you will hopefully find the understanding and support that you will need over the coming months. Take care - and hope your daughter has a good birthday! Val X