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mum has been diagnosed with lung cancer.  She is a lady aged 71.  I keep thinking that i shouldnt feel bad as younger people get it when they r younger and that ive been lucky for46 years.  but any way im realy pissed off and angr,y that this is happening to her sorry guys i wish it was me i dont want to see her go through this i want to care for her. if it was me i would cope better  should i be feeling like this or am i being stupid . im not ready to let her go  help guys im struggling. Im not on my own i have a wonderful husband and daughter who i love very much but i dont want to talk to them either  my mum is my mum and at the moment i hate this world


  • FormerMember

    Aw Tracy, my heart goes out to you hun. It doesn't matter that your mum is 71, she is still your mum and it's only natural you are feeling the way you are.

    Please don't apologise for offloading your feelings on here. That is what we are here for, to offer support and understanding.

    I can assure you what you are feeling is completely normal. I have had cancer myself and coped well, but when it was my dad who had it, it was a different story. I felt so helpless and totally angry.          

    Where is your mum regarding treatment etc? If it's still early since diagnosis you will still be in shock. Hopefully once a treatment plan is put in place you will feel a little more relaxed.

    Don't ever feel stupid. You certainly are not. Please continue to come on here and get some much needed support from others who know what you are going through.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Tracy, I've just read ur post and cried. I'm 36, my dad is 62 and yday we found out his cancer has spread and is terminal. I have just wrote about the guilt in my 1st post, (evil disease) but now I know tht I'm not the only 1. My heart goes out 2 and evry1 who is coping with cancer whether they b carers, family, friends or patients.

    We need 2 listen 2 our advise tht we wud give 2 others, 'it will b hard but u will manage'. Doesnt help tho wen we say it 2 ourselves.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy,

    Right there with you, everything you have just written was me a couple of weeks ago. I'd like to say it gets alot easier but in truth it doesn't what does change is once the shock and fear subsides a little you somehow find the strength to push it to one side so you can make the best of the situation and be there to support your mum and family through this journey.

    Just know that now you have found this site there is always someone there for you when you need talk or rant.

    Hugs and best wishes

    Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    thanx guys , today is a new day i dont want to lose my mum as she has always been there . I never have lived in her pocket i was a rebel growing up but always in the bac of my mind mum was the only person who has been there, i cant in my mind imagine her not there even though you know one day parents wont as thats part of being old. When im with mum im the strong one when im on my own i feel so sad'  guilt for feeling like this and then. when my own husband and daughter r around i have to switch into differant mode. is it wrong to be seeing my docter he is realy good he gave me some citapromal 3 weeks ago to help and i see him fortnightly dosent feel like itss helping yet as i still feel angry etc. i feel awful that people have teminaal lung cancer and i havent but tht i feel crap love u guys sorry about ranting but you all helped . have to take teenage daughter to bath later to get school stff speak later tracyxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    No its not wrong 2 c ur doctor they r there 2 help, well most drs r. If drs had take my dads symptoms seriously then his prognosis my hav been gud. My dr is fab so i think i will b goin 2 him soon. Ive neva felt like this b4 but i think its grief. Yes we hav 2 put a brave face on 4 our family especially wen there r children but at the moment i cant but i think it will cum. My youngest son started sleep walking again last nite. He sed theres nothin wrong. Maybe he is ok on the surface. I will av 2 keep an eye on him.


    Sarah xxx