so here i am

  • having a Whipple


    The Whipple porcedure was explained to me and my husband that made it easy to explain to the family. I was also told that the cancer I have is very rare.. but it has been caught early enough to treat. Good.Good. Kings College hospital is the best hospital for this procedure was another thing I was told, so Martin and I were feeling really optimistic even though we were all daunted by the whole THING. Martin and my children…

  • scans and patience


    I forgot to mention my blood results in my first post- my gamma gt and bilirubin levels were high.Gamma gt is usually high in people who consume plenty of alcohol. I don't -infact I rarely touch it! My ultrasound scan did not take place until 12th November- before that I had the added bonus of an OFSTED inspection- long long days,nights, lesson observations and an interview as senior leader. Hey I got good with elements…

  • where it all started


    September is such a busy time of year for teachers. I teach Foundation Stage children so September is the most important time for me and my team.We have 30 children to settle in to school and 30 sets of parents to comfort and support. At the end of September I started to feel a bit unwell. I had a band of pain around my chest, just where the base of my bra sits. So I saw my GP, who thought I may be coming down with a…