scans and patience

2 minute read time.

I forgot to mention my blood results in my first post- my gamma gt and bilirubin levels were high.Gamma gt is usually high in people who consume plenty of alcohol. I don't -infact I rarely touch it! My ultrasound scan did not take place until 12th November- before that I had the added bonus of an OFSTED inspection- long long days,nights, lesson observations and an interview as senior leader. Hey I got good with elements of outstanding!! Cool results considering how poorly I was feeling. So the scan showed a blockage at the base of my bile duct- in the ampulla- and SLUDGE in my gallbladder which was inflamed. Then I was told I would need a CT scan...back to work and carry on...parents evenings now and I noticed I was starting to look a rather strange colour...I was getting yellower and yellower by the day. It was starting to look like a bad tan.ByThursday I had joked about it, hey I didn't need to wear anything yellow for Pudsey day, I have yellow skin...haha. Then my TA noticed and said 'Be you are looking rather yellow today'. By the Friday my eyes were yellow...not a good look.On the Saturday I had my CT scan and just remember crying about wanting to just feel well again. By the Sunday evening I was crying down the phone to my headteacher saying I was too unwell to go to work on the Monday and also begging my husband not to go away on business. I told him I was going back to the doctor and 'What if he sends me to hospital?'plea. Hey! AND guess what?I went to see my GP and he sent me to hospital.this was 19th November. Luckily my neighbour was around and she took the day off work to take me to hospital and stayed with me until my husband got back.. After going through everything I have told you with my story so far,I was admitted to hospital. On the Wednesday the consultant performed an ERCP and inserted a stent to help my gallbladder work again. Then the news.....cancer. I recall my consultant saying he was certain and I asked how certain -20% or 90%? 90%. During all this the girl in the next bed was having a heated domestic with her husband....cheers. Not really what I wanted to be listening to ....Anyway there was a part of me that just turned completely numb and a tiny part of me that was thinking- thought so.We were told I needed a Whipple's procedure and I was referred to King's College hospital. telling my family was the hardest thing I HAVE EVER HAD TO DO IN MY LIFE, especially my children.Watching the pain and hearing it in people's voices, the pepole I love so much,who give my life meaning, hurts more than having cancer.I felt I had put pain in their lives, where there was none.Then we had the dificult part of waiting.. and waiting..and waiting.. and chasing for appointments.I have learnt a depth of patience within, that I never knew existed. My operation was scheduled for Jnauray 23rd after SO MUCH CHASING and PUSHING and phone calling.My GPs surgery were great at this and very supportive every step of the way....
