where it all started

2 minute read time.

September is such a busy time of year for teachers. I teach Foundation Stage children so September is the most important time for me and my team.We have 30 children to settle in to school and 30 sets of parents to comfort and support. At the end of September I started to feel a bit unwell. I had a band of pain around my chest, just where the base of my bra sits. So I saw my GP, who thought I may be coming down with a chest infection. I was prescribed antibiotics and decided it would be wise to take them.... busy busy, no time to be ill. Hmmm. Then strange symptoms started. My urine chnaged colour - it became quite dark, which I thought was odd as I drink so much water every day. Then I noticed my stools getting paler.Odd..... But the worst was the chronic itching! Oh my goodness. Even as someone who gets flare ups of eczema, I have never scratched like that before!! All over my torso, my hands my feet. And then I kept getting this hot sensation in my mouth that no amount of COLD water could alter. It felt like a radiator in my mouth.Along with the itchy feet and hands came a pins and needles sensation. I also was getting very hot and sweaty at night. So I drew two conclusions, both turning out later to be false. Conclusion number One: I think i may be perimenopausal- realistic at the age of 46 and talking to other female friends and colleagues, decided that was probably the case! Conclusion Number Two: I have al allergic reaction to erthyrymcin, the antibiotic I was prescribed. Oh hooray for the internet! i looked it all up and all my symptoms seemed to point in that direction. I went back to my GP( a locum I thnk) about the itching before I had reached the second conclusion - he looked at the scabby rash on my torso and suggested I may have scabies! Strange- But I didn't actually agree! I saw my GP in October and he did blood tests whcih confirmed something wasn't right and he came to the same conclusion as myself- Conclusion Number Two, that is. However by half term I still felt unwell and was still getting some pain on the right around the rib area.We repeated the blood tests and my GP requested an ultrasound scan at the local hospital.......
